地址 : 銅鑼灣波斯富街84號地下
電話 : 2890 8616
消費 : $40/head
整體評價 : fair
電話 : 2890 8616
消費 : $40/head
整體評價 : fair
i) 雲吞粗麵
2) 呢d咁旺嘅時間,當然要搭枱啦,同枱都喺遊客,換人之後,再坐落嚟又另3個遊客
3) 服務好勤快,就安排入場都好有秩序/系統
1) 坐mtr去銅鑼灣站.............times square出口..........上到地面.......轉右後方
2) 過前面斑馬線............去對面嘅莎莎/鐘錶店.........之後向右行
3) 再過前面1截面斑馬線............去對面靠右嘅鐘錶店
4) 向前行...........大約4-5個舖位就喺
chi kee is a restaurant of above average food quality. in my experience, its side dishes are quite good.
回覆刪除deep-fried fish ball, pumpkin cake, or pig knuckle. i am sure whether they are still available now. it is better to have 3 to 4 persons to try all its side dishes.
回覆刪除Dear Prince and jj: 當然搵到 3-4 個飯腳就好啦,不過有時真係好難夾得岩大家既飲食口味,有 d 要食西餐,有 d 又話要去飲茶,真係好難搞!
回覆刪除sorry, i made a mistake. to be a clever girl, you should be able to locate the mistake.
回覆刪除it shoud be " i am not sure whether they are still available now."