上星期6 (nov 24, 07)嚟睇咗呢戲因為之前個trailer好似好攪笑
故事講eddie(ben stiller飾,即night at the museum翻生侏羅館男主角)好怕1生1世嘅婚姻committment,1開始講佢參加舊女友的婚禮,身邊嘅好友同亞爸都好鼓勵佢去認真d識個女仔同結婚。
偶然之下,佢識到lila(malin akerman飾),因為唔想lila被調往rotterdam,於是掙扎咗好耐,+上好友同亞爸的助燃下,就同只識咗6個星期左近的lila結婚。之後就喺eddie嘅歷奇safari之旅,發現lila其實.....個人好嘈吵.....份工喺老義,無收入.....飲d液態嘢會由個鼻出,因以前索得k太多,導致鼻軟骨移位.....個人亦好wild(尤其床上).....唔出得海.....有d燥狂.....有d野蠻......脾氣大d........
在渡蜜月期間個resort,比佢識到miranda(michelle monaghan飾,即mi:III職工3個女主角)同佢全家,因為藉住lila晒太陽過度,於是全身燒傷咗,唔敢出房門,於是佢就可以不斷去join miranda的家庭活動。eddie唯有騙lila說碰上生意大供應商,傾貨期
對此片個人覺得有d王晶feel,因內容空洞,無主題,賣弄吓色情(尤其第1任老婆在沙灘,眾目睽睽下,向ben stiller個傷口撒尿,實在低俗兼無需要),無+ve message
片中ben stiller開頭因知自己性格,好怕結婚所要嘅承擔感,都算得上付責任嘅表現,但後來唔知呢d叫進步定點喇,經過咗失去1個好鍾意嘅人,第2次婚姻都好倉猝(照劇情交待,數吓手指,由認識到結婚,都喺用咗半年時間)但呢個唔太大問題,重點喺佢見番舊愛之後,就開始步署甩掉現任老婆,咁即喺話個男人已經進展到婚唔怕結,唔啱咪離囉,真喺驚宜家嘅離婚率唔夠高咁
1) 尾段,舊愛約完ben stiller之後,ben stiller望住舊愛,好有希望同認真嘅眼神,突然有個女人出場claim喺佢老婆,仲結咗婚成年,呢個turn好sharp,幾出人意表
2) 戲中喜歡用首尾looping,2小1大
-好友個老婆同ben stiller只有2次對話,對白1樣喺........"are you sad?..............good, good"
-ben stiller要向2個老婆鋪排講分手嘅對白都1樣........"i've some stuff to tell you.........u may feel.........but in the long run............."
-在片頭出席舊女友嘅婚禮,人地個亞爸在小小嘅致詞講番ben stiller喺個asshole,去到個結局,就真喺引証到此言非虛。如果編劇個intention真喺咁嘅話,佢真喺好成功,但呢1點對觀眾有咩point呢,莫非佢認為我地未見過(asshole)咩
改改wet wet wet嘅love is all around先,比d感情跟住唱
I see it in the movie (I feel it in my fingers)I see it with my eyes (I feel it in my toes)
jerk is all around me (Love is all around me)
that one is in the show (And so the feeling grows)
It's pictured on the screen (It's written on the wind)
It's every second spent, oh yes it is (It's everywhere I go, oh yes it is)
You know I disgust you, I always will (You know I love you, I always will)
My mind's made up by the
nasty I feel (Way that I feel)
There's no real meaning (There's no beginning)
i wait for the end (There'll be no end)
coz money's gone, i want it back ('cause on my love you can depend)