** master cleanse絶對喺另類(非現今主流)治療..........每人嘅反應都不1............risk level同uncertainty都好高...........我無intention要倡導大家去信/follow呢個方法
dec 25-31, 11..............進行咗個身體排毒program - master cleanse................喺今年2月去學個self healing氣功,先知道咩叫服氣辟穀(ie 斷食)...............不過1個服氣辟穀嘅course好貴,好貴(~hk$8k) 同埋之前1個月要持續日日勤力練功先參+得.........又要請假~~~~~~所以1路只有觀望
後來知道食友完成咗個master cleanse (都喺唔食嘢)..............呢個就唔需要氣功配合.........進行期間又可以返工...........所以較服氣辟穀易execute............可以諗吓..........喺12月時我個mind/心/body好強烈想做.............所以問咗食友攞相關嘅資料
食友真喺好唔話得..............讓咗2樽maple syrup(@hk$190)比我...............食友都喺上網訂
http://www.nowfoods.com/Foods/real-food/Products/078444.htm.............同送咗1小盒organic red pepper(佢喺360買).............如果唔喺我都唔知咁kick手嘅材料點買
lemonade recipe- 2 Tablespoons (1份/1oz) organic lemon or limejuice (approx. ½ lemon)
--> sorry, organic lemon真喺食唔起............所以轉咗普通超巿檸檬咋
- 2 Tablespoons (1份/1oz) genuine maple syrup grade b/c (Not maple flavored sugar syrup)
-->幾專業鴉,要指定grade幾,唔喺食友讓比我,我就要去city super買貴貨
- 1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
-->我就用食友送嘅organic red pepper
- 8 oz filtered/ spring water (10份/10oz) , room temperature
-->我就用distilled water(返工)+mineral water(屋企)
- Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper (red pepper) in a 10 oz glass jar w/lid and fill with the water.
- Shake it up and drink. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)
* Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or lime juice nor frozen lemonade or
frozen juice.