1) 呢個喺濕地個landmark - 黑臉琵琶鷺喇
2) 之後1大班人去到另外小路(遊人止步架)............行入去.............之前要去咗toilet先
3) 呢3幅就喺我開工附近的環境................幾寧靜吓架
4) 聽完briefing...........與partner target咗呢顆............但可惜工具唔夠.........隔硬用咗施肥嘅剷........而且2個人share嚟用
5) 如果唔想用2nd hand手套...........還是自備罷
6) 好......先從佢旁邊嘅雜草着手.........斬............但要小心斬到主體..........如果唔喺..........幫佢變成害佢
7) 施肥...........原來施肥都有學問..........如果"paul"樹喺在山坡,咁就1定要揀"paul"樹嘅上方, ie左上角或右上角..........因為有雨水流落嚟時...........arm arm可以流番"paul"樹嗰度.....但呢"paul"樹喺平地,所以邊個方位都無所謂
8) 哪.............做到呢"paul"最尾..........就有d水準喇
9) 亞partner有個好好嘅提議...........就喺放埋佢對手套在旁...........証明喺2個人合力做出嚟嘅成果
10) 收工.............將全部工具放番入桶............good
回覆刪除睇完除o左知道點施肥外,仲學到點樣將 d 英文好巧妙咁溶入篇blog 裡面,讀起來,包無甩瓦!
回覆刪除Hei, you've taken a lot of photos. How much time had you spent on working? Ha, ha, just kidding. What kind of fertilizers were applied? I've only used the type of tool in the yellow bucket before. It's much harder for me to stoop and work for a long time, esp with my injured knee. Besides, I also got giddy whenever I stood up, just like you. Where had you gone for lunch on that day? Did you just work half a day? Morning?
回覆刪除You know, I'm poor ... I've only visited that fast food shop several times, then I've dined out once at Tin Tsak [with my West Rail day pass which includes free rides on Light Rail]. It's quite a rush to go that far. In the end, I prepared my lunchbox and ate within the Park, say, at the Resource Ctr or somewhere near the pantry. Some classmates bring the tray of food to those rooms from the fast food shop and return it afterwards. Although ordering from outside is not expensive, but I'd prefer not to use foam containers and one-time disposable cutlery.