2008年5月21日 星期三

Panda Japanese Homestyle Curry@大坑 - 大熊貓

地址 : 銅鑼灣銅鑼灣道94號地下
電話 : 3525 1570
消費 : $80/head (ie total $560)
整體評價 : good

5月份嘅食友聚會,may 15, 08,7人來dinner,叫咗 :

1) 溫泉蛋 x 3

2) 抺茶mousse x 2

3) 蛋布甸 x 3

4) 1/2熟蛋 x 3

5) 咖喱豬扒

6) 和風炒烏冬

7) 海鮮薄餅

8) 蛋包飯

1) 店內個setting,天花頂有個大熊貓吊飾

2) 今次好高興識到3個新食友,其中1個好鬼可愛同cute

2) 出嚟轉右............向前行

3) 左手面會見到呢條斑馬線.........過

4) 過埋佢,去到對面嘅qc書院..........向左行

5) 去到街角位,唔好過對面,嚟個5點鐘式嘅轉右 

6) 向前行............見到對面呢間酒店...........可以選擇喺呢個位過對面........或者後期d先過對面

7) 向前行

8) 過咗呢個街口.......都喺向前行

9) 過埋呢個比較濶d嘅街口(睇車)...........向住前面有蓮花宮西街嘅路牌向前行

10) 前面橙橙哋嘅舖頭就喺喇

5 則留言:

  1. Deli Prince Club 美味少爷5/22/2008 1:06 上午

    have they added meat tenderizer to the pork chop? apart from this, do you know where we can eat tasty omlette rice in hong kong?

  2. 個樣好正啊...
    另想請教妳:有冇食過Teresa festive cookies呢? 我送左盒比個好朋友做
    小禮物, 但d卜友就話唔好食啊...妳點睇呢 ? Jenny d cookies就好好味啦...
    但上星期去買菠蘿so, 佢地話冇返貨呢...?

  3. Deli Prince Club 美味少爷5/25/2008 8:05 上午

    some chefs who have confidence in their cooking skill and food material would have added no meat tenderizer to the pork chop. this is very important to determine whether the chef has good cooking skill, whether the pork chop is of high quality, whether the restaurant owner targets to make money or to provide quality foods to its diners / customers.

    maybe, i would try in ucc one day. i really have not tried in ucc so far. i really have no big confidence on ucc and suzuki ...

  4. thanks a lot...

  5. 你個BLOG好正,唔好意思我轉貼了一D去我的BLOG提我自己要去TRY,請不好介意!我都有try過這一間的咖喱豬扒,我覺得一般!可能因為我由好遠去TRY的,對他好期望所致!
