地址 : 灣仔永豐街12-14號
電話 : 3525 1570
電話 : 3525 1570
消費 : $40/head
整體評價 : good
整體評價 : good
1) cheese & ham croissant $20
2) 提子汁 $20
3) 7 layers valrhona cake (外賣) $32
-有好多款唔同嘅朱古力layers,有薄朱古力片, 朱古力cream coating,朱古力mousse,朱古力sponge cake,朱古力brownie/ganache,朱古力脆脆底
-唔太甜,好滑,sponge cake亦好覺濕軟,很喜歡底層嘅脆米,豐富咗個口感,全件好濃朱古力味
2) 個外賣盒好有時代感,充滿人嘅面孔
3) 搵次1定要試埋吓其他cakes
2) 出嚟轉右.............就會見到呢條永豐街
3) 向前面嘅小斜路行上去就喺
the restaurant is small in view of the number of diners. it gives me a not too comfortable feeling, though an indian female designer claims that it is one of the top five restaurants with good interior design in hong kong. but i really want to try the chocolate cake. when i visited last time, it was sold out.
回覆刪除7 layers valrhona cake 呢件蛋糕個樣夠晒好味,見到都流晒口水