地址 : 中環德己立街17-19號德和大廈1樓1號舖
電話 : 2868 0030
消費 : $307/head (ie total $612)
整體評價 : fair
set dinner x 2
1) 麵包
1) 麵包
2) 沙律
i) mango crab meat thousand islands sauce salad
ii) shrimps & clams w/garlic white wine sauce
3) 湯
i) white truffle cream soup x 2
-小"杰"-果然好有菇菌味,很香也鮮,面層相信喺truffle oil
4) 主菜
i) grilled sea bass w/lemon butter sauce (hk$268)

-喺我嘅印象中,sea bass唔應該喺咁重魚油嘅魚種,呢種味道好似喺食cod fish時會遇到的,拉了侍應來問,佢話呢個喺sea bass,回家上fb請教朋友,其1食友回覆了以下答案,希望佢唔介意我post出嚟同大家share
Sea bass and cod fish are two different species. They just happen to have similar Chinese names and hence people got confused. And there are different types of "bass" and different types of "cods" just to confuse you a little more.
Chilean... sea bass is probably the meatiest among all bass. It has tender white flesh that is firm in texture, hardly ever turn out over-cooked. Cod is not as fatty which makes it easily overcooked and turns out dry and flaky. It is also quite bland (no fish or fatty flavors what so ever). Chilean sea bass is also much more expensive than cod in general
Chilean... sea bass is probably the meatiest among all bass. It has tender white flesh that is firm in texture, hardly ever turn out over-cooked. Cod is not as fatty which makes it easily overcooked and turns out dry and flaky. It is also quite bland (no fish or fatty flavors what so ever). Chilean sea bass is also much more expensive than cod in general
ii) grilled aus lamb chop w/rosemary sauce (hk$288)
5) 甜品
i) creme brulee x 2
-面層嘅burnt sugar好薄好薄
1) 多謝友人請食飯
2) 店內環境
3) $300元喺中環食到4個courses嘅dinner,我覺得已是好抵食了
4) 這裡嘅食物選擇不多,就算是a la carte,都喺set dinner上見到嘅款式,只喺個別標番個價啫
1) 坐mtr中環站d2出口.............轉右2) 去到戲院呢個街口..............轉左
3) 過咗對面馬路..........向右行
4) 去到德己立街................轉上
5) 見到米蘭站........過馬路,繼續向上行
6) 見到initial呢間boutique,可以選擇轉右,從商業大廈坐lift去1/f...........或是沿住呢條斜路再向上行多1條街,之後先轉右入,直接入到大廈嘅1/f