地址 : 跑馬地昌明街8號地下
電話 : 2573 9082
消費 : $97/head (ie total $675)
整體評價 : fair
oct 24, 09,頑強的食友們,繼上1餐之後,我哋7人接住來淨食甜品.........食友很豪的order每樣1件啦 :
1) cube chocolate coffee (hk$68) - 6點鐘方向
-caramelized hazelnut, coffee chocolate mousse, vanilla cream & chocolate top
2) new wave triangle (hk$68) - 4點鐘方向
-mix w/5 chocolate, biscuit, milk chocolate, bitter mousse, creamy icing & dark chocolate
3) crispy heart chocolate pyramide (hk$68) - 12點鐘方向

-bitter chocolate mousse w/crispy heart on chocolate biscuit-個人最喜歡呢個因濃朱古力味之餘,又有脆脆米/餅乾,口感上豐富d
4) green tea opera (hk$68) - 10點鐘方向
-green tea punched biscuit, mousseline w/ chocolate ganache
5) miss poppy (hk$68) - 9點鐘方向
-crumble shortbread, pistachio biscuit, red fruit compotine & light poppy mousseline
- 面頭紅紅哋-但味道喺咁多件嚟講最差
6) chocolate crunch (hk$68) - 右下角
-chocolate biscuit, chocolate/ hazelnut cruncy, topped w/chocolate mousse, chocolate finition
7) hazelnut craquant (hk$68) - 右上角
-bitter chocolate biscuit, crunchy praline, hazelnut mousse w/hazelnuts & chocolate
8) tiramisu dome (hk$68) -左上角
-new style tiramisu w/cookie on top & inside
9) pineapple dacquoise (hk$68) - 左下角
-dacquoise biscuit topped w/pineapple mousseline cream and pieces of fresh pineapple
2) 呢度每件蛋糕都索價不菲 (基本上泊得住/貴過法國有名名店la maison du choxxxxx)...............但質素(賣相/味道)較之差好遠..........價$$$$定位過高了
3) 不過聞說佢嘅生蠔,意粉,田螺等都不俗...........我有機會會去試吓鹹食