2008年6月5日 星期四

MarieBelle hot chocolate@citysuper

may 20, 08去中環citysuper,除咗買咗1盒泡沫綠茶外..................最主要喺嚟買即沖朱古力粉..............喺饍稿話呢個牌子喺朱古力專門店,總店位於紐約,非常著名,熱賣就喺沖泡熱朱古力可可粉


1包=$25,送咗2包比人,買多1包比自己,may 31, 08自己動手煮嚟飲。見到instruction,有歐式同美式煮法,我自己就喜歡用牛奶煮,因貪其出品會厚身d

1) 佢嘅可可粉是粒狀而非粉狀(正常狀態,非潮咗)

2) 我選擇咗+1/2杯熱牛奶

3) 但真喺唔喺咁易溶,所以應該要steam/叮吓佢,但我邊會咁有心機攪咁多嘢,就飲咗佢算啦


-面層唔喺好厚可可脂肪(cocoa butter),唔太重油光,但入口真喺好濃dark chocolate味,唔甜,但帶少少微酸味,可惜我做唔到令佢完全溶掉,所以未喺最完全狀態,唔知邊間shop嘅hot chocolate會用呢個牌子呢???


其實我好怕睇instruction manuel因唔知點解,我成日覺得佢哋寫出嚟總有令我confuse/不足嘅地方,所以我通常都要睇晒中英文版...................可惜呢個只得英文版,所以問題又嚟喇,請幫手理解吓(雖然我已經按咗自己僅有嘅天份煮咗)

european style :
in a cup, add one mariebelle single serving packet to 1/4 cup boiling water and stir until smooth and well melted.  if chocolate pieces do not melt completely, steam or microwave for 10 seconds.  serve with a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.  makes one full espresso sized cup

american style :
in a cup, add one mariebelle single serving packet to 1/2 cup boiling milk and stir until smooth and well melted.  if chocolate pieces do not melt completely, steam or microwave for 10 seconds.  serve with a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.  makes one 8 oz cup

**數理題 - american style



咁2者攪均都喺4oz多d,因粉會溶入咗d奶度,所以無可能喺5.5oz,但點解最終會得到8oz呢...............個人認為佢skip咗d step,有能者,請代為答之,謝謝

3 則留言:

  1. 我覺得麻麻地好飲,屋企有成罐擺左係度,我只飲左一次咋

  2. Deli Prince Club 美味少爷6/05/2008 11:56 下午

    my impression from your drinking chocolate is 'you are quite lazy'. sorry.

  3. 都係妳自己睇啦,到時妳有心請人飲都係要妳搞掂,遲係妳早又係妳,慢慢研究啦!我地坐o向度等就得喇!
