2016年7月25日 星期一

情陷石垣+鳩間島 (jun 30 - jul 5, 2016)/ day 4

day 4行程 - jul 3, 2016 (sun)

today's highlight : 船原の浜, dusk snorkeling tour 

早餐/ breakfast

名稱 : -
地址 : idafuni民宿
電話 : +81 0980 85 6374
收費 : 訂房包咗
純個人整體評價 : good

breakfast starts around 8:00am

last shot鳩間/ last shot hatoma

最後機會影鳩間島.............只要好天...........佢d雲,d水同寧靜...........never fail..........望到d咁嘅景.........我已經好enjoy..........100看不厭...........夜晚又多星+銀河...........鳩間之日與夜都掂................只欠1個靚海灘~~~

it is the last chance of shooting hatoma...............once it is in good weather............its cloud, water and tranquility.............never fail..............i enjoy looking at the view near the shoreline............i'll never get tied of it.............at nite, the sky is full of stars + milky way...........so hatoma no matter day or nite is superb

the 2 baby goats at the guest house is welcomed by the visitors.........they do not fear humans.............most of the time when i bow down to take pictures of them...........they will dash to me..........becoz their feet r still not strong yet...........therefore they r not running at high speed.........but they r super hawaii...........smelling my trousers..........i tell them "i am not your food!".........in fact, i extremely want to touch them..........however the nature has its own logic...........often heard that some wild animals after contact with human............will b rejected by their peers...............even their mothers will turn against them............i tend to believe it is the human smell/ aroma transfer to them that override their original one...............their peer cannot recognize them...............n treat them as outsiders............after departed from the group............they will easily die~~~~~besides, human may pass on our bacteria to cause them sick


仲有時間去explore............咁就去有星砂個沙灘啦................琴日我試過行..............但行到1/2時............前方已聽到有d暴燥嘅羊咩聲.............佢真喺好急促"mare mare mare"咁叫...........1聽就知唔友善.................接住就喺"bomb bomb bomb"咁嘅跑住出嚟聲..............佢個頭突出草叢.............我當然停步啦...........ok, ok,唔洗咁激動!..........咁咪唔行囉..............u win!!.............好彩我同佢仲有d距離..........否則我實嚇到尖叫~~~~~~之後回望.............佢已企喺行人路bare住我

still hv little time to explore..............then target the beach with "star sand".............yesterday i tried to walk this trail............but in the midway.............i already heard the irritated sound of a goat at a distance ahead..........it is a rush "mare mare mare" voice..........u knew he was not in good mood..........followed was the running sound of "bomb bomb bomb"................his head extruded out the bush.............of course, i stopped...........ok, ok, no need to be so radical!.............i will turn back..........u win!!...........it was lucky that we still had a distance from each other............otherwise i must hv screamed~~~~~~~later i looked back...........he was standing in the pavement staring at me

i am so afraid to meet him today.............therefore i walk quite fast.............always ask why not yet arrived?............finally i make it............but look like an abandoned beach............hv a wrecked boat..........but no "star sand"...........oh, when i back to guest house and read back the map again..........it should be島仲浜.............i hv gone to the wrong beach..........anyway, the correct beach is a little far that i cannot go there today

鳩間島海灘/ hatoma beaches


1) ナラリ浜
2) 船原の浜
3) 外若の浜
4) 島仲浜 (好似有星砂)
5) 立原浜 (見人哋blog話好寧靜.............浮潛都唔錯)
6) 屋良浜 (睇日落首選)

though hatoma is very small............circumference only 3.9km..........it has the following small beaches..........this stay, i go to船原の浜 n 屋良浜only

1) ナラリ浜
2) 船原の浜
3) 外若の浜
4) 島仲浜 (probably has star sand)
5) 立原浜 (see other's blog that it is quiet.............not bad for snorkeling)
6) 屋良浜 (top preference for watching sunset)


last gathering

back to guest house..............i am all red and sweating...........very hot............sweating like endless.........coz already check out, luggage packed............lazy to retrieve the needed stuff for a shower.............i know i stink~~~~~sorry!............then all of us together with the owner n his wife all sit at the lawn............the view is stunning, comfortable with the breeze...........the owner's wife gives us a lift to the ferry terminal when v see the ship coming

goodbye hatoma

owner老婆好客氣.............仲話會去學英文.............我話咁我去學日文啦!..............呢班船 (etd 11:35am) 會經西表島 (上原港)..............無諗過好多人上船...............所以要坐~75 mins.............返到去石垣港..........就要正式同三好san 1家同佢朋友握手道別.............希望有機會喺石垣再見............take care!
owner's wife is very courtesy..............say she will learn english............in return i say i will learn japanese!.............this ferry (etd 11:35am) route via iriomote...........unexpected so many people lining up at iriomote................this schedule takes ~75 mins..............back to ishigaki terminal...........i hv to say goodbye to 三好san family n his friend............hope v will meet in ishigaki again............take care!

住宿情況 (ishigaki)

名稱 : hotel happy holiday ishigaki
地址 : 石垣市登野城16番號 (距離石垣離島碼頭~3 mins walk)
電話 : -
website : -
入住時段 : 共2晚 (包早餐)
room type : single queen room
總收費 : 13,996 yen/ 2 nites
booked via : booking.com (around 2016 mid may)
屋內設施 : wifi...........所有基本嘢,浴室amenities
comment : clean,寧靜,房大............英文雖然唔多得............但服務好.............肯幫我打電話比餐廳訂位 (我同front desk喺用漢字溝通)
remarks :





light & late lunch

入咗去family mart...........買咗呢杯嘅local flavors試吓............140 yen...........ok la...........dun expect too much!

snorkeling at dusk tour

收費 : 6,000 yen/head (因為我1次book咗3個tours..........+上佢部waterproof相機壞咗..........比唔到相我............再比多5% discount我..............好誠實同均真.............優惠價喺4,800 yen)
tour by : jiyujin時遊人 (tour owner完全handle到英文...........email覆得好快)
booked via : direct with jiyujin
pick up time : 4:15pm from hotel
covered : round trip transfer, snorkeling equip., diving suit, cold tea.........其實包埋相,不過佢哋部水底相機壞咗...........無相比
satisfaction index : ok


喺船度.............隻船抛1抛.............我喺船艙近門口位失咗重心................無嘢扶到.............向後瞓低底咗.............坐咗喺佢個籃度..............喺掙扎中............我where爛咗佢嘅布簾............撞斷咗個drink holder塊膠片.............我嘅手臂內側瘀咗1大撻..........隻手痺咗1陣..........無扭親無流血...........已是不幸中之大幸.............因為我無大礙..............即時嘅反應喺唔好意思整爛咗佢2樣嘢...............繼而擔心佢要我賠$$$$..........XDD..........tour owner問咗我幾次有無事...........佢可能好擔心我要claim佢賠償...........hahahaha

4個女仔個表情仲痛過我.............送咗2塊藥水膠布比我..............喺成個trip咁多撻..........傷得最勁 (回港後有次去按摩..........我個師傅以為我拔過罐............XDD)...........希望唔好再跌啦!...........跟佢個tour咁邪!!

來到snorkeling point...............喺manual落海anchor................好有良心................唔想傷到珊瑚


其實我見到班女仔有部水底相機交咗比tour guide............tour guide間唔中就自動自覺幫佢哋影...........我e番d相比其中1個..............事隔1個月.............終於收到佢個email同合照.....................問緊可唔可以share落海d相比我......................希望有日會收到啦!

light dinner

我仍喺飽飽滯滯................只有興趣飲ishigaki beer同輕食..............不過我附近條街行咗2次............無1間有興趣.............見到d樣仲飽多2成............所以決定唔好迫自己............不如買盒手信零食..........隊薯片仲好..........慳番d $$$$~~~~

個marine味啤酒(410 yen)同個紅薯撻(648 yen)嘅味道都好普通~~~~


