早安鳩間/ good morning hatoma
琴晚有少少失眠................瞓得唔好................~6am已醒..................既然無睡意................決定唔好賴床................出去行吓,做吓運動仲好...............果然喺另1種美 - 晨曦寧靜
i suffered from insomnia last nite.............quality of sleep is not good.............i wake up around 6am.............i hv decided not to stay on bed if i dont hv the sleeping mood.............better go out for a walk or doing some exercise................indeed hatoma has another beauty - dawn tranquility
早餐/ breakfast
地址 : idafuni民宿
電話 : +81 0980 85 6374
收費 : 訂房包咗
整體評價 : good
breakfast starts around 8:00am.............a rich breakfast..........................1st time eat納豆......................but not that bad as i imagine.................i feel that the fermentation time for these beans is not long..................so the taste is still close to its original..............without a very strong smell/ character taste that i heard from other people
then the owner's wife take out some sweets for ryuto..............i also hv a share of it.............i never heard of taffy.............so i immediately google it.................wow, these 2 days, i hv eaten so many free treats..............i am feeling super "no good"!!!
小小contribution/ little contribution
食完早餐後................我終於諗起嚟鳩間島前.............我喺碼頭附近間bakery shop買咗2包cracker..........我諗住嚟到鳩間島無聊嘅話拎嚟咬吓............因為我知道返到石垣我仲有3日..............所以咩貨都無入就嚟民宿.............無經驗無準備!
after breakfast.........i suddenly remember the 2 packs of cracker i bought near the ferry terminal in ishigaki.........it is for contingency in case i am very boring in hatoma.........since i will hv 3 more days in ishigaki, i do not do any shopping.........i lack the experience n not well prepared to stay in the guest house!
though very insignificant, not enough to share among them.........it is already all i hv that can b contributed
環島行/ round the island walk
同大家吹咗1陣水................浮潛又未有咁早開始..................我當然繼續環島行吓..............但原來無咁理想.............沿住海邊無1條完整嘅行人路..............去到間學校附近...........就無路向前行..............除非行落淺灘.............但全礁石...........萬1跣親............會好傷,肯定流血.............所以要繞番上山路............不過咁樣會無景又幽靜 (我會有d"協"...........hahaha)
i keep playing the song while walking.............but i stop the music whenever i see someone................i only see 1-2 person so far...............i know i am bad.............destroy the silence of hatoma..............so i only play ~5 songs
after little chat with them all...............and not yet time for snorkeling..............of course, i continue walking around hatoma.............but it is not as ideal as i thought.............along the shoreline.............there is not a complete walking pavement............it stops around the school area...........no pavement further ahead...........unless you walk down the shore.............but they r all reef............in case of tripping over the reef.............i will b badly hurt.........surely bleed..............therefore hv to walk up into hillside..............but it will hv no view and too quiet (i will be a little scared again............hahaha)i keep playing the song while walking.............but i stop the music whenever i see someone................i only see 1-2 person so far...............i know i am bad.............destroy the silence of hatoma..............so i only play ~5 songs
第1次用相機timer玩自拍.............我要記底呢個咁free n joyful moment...........喺堤上聽歌.........有藍天白雲靚水 (唔同藍色tone) 墊住底唱..............有feel過琴晚嘅星空做background...............望真d我個背脊............搵唔到條腰喎.............慘慘呀!
it is my 1st time using the timer function of my camera............i must record this free n joyful moment...........listening music on the dam..............to sing under blue sky, white cloud and fantastic clear water (different shades of blue)................i got more fun than last nite with stars..............at closer look of my back..........i cannot find my waist............oh, no!
hatoma snorkeling tour
收費 : 6,400 yen/head (因為我直接喺鳩間島舖頭join佢哋............會平過其他團友由石垣港碼頭出發)
tour by : hatoma island world (完全handle到英文)
website : http://hatoma.co.jp/
booked via : direct with hatoma island world
pick up time : 12:00 noon at their hatoma office (沖縄県八重山郡竹富町字鳩間54番地)
covered : snorkeling equip., diving suit, lunch
covered : snorkeling equip., diving suit, lunch
satisfaction index : good
tour guide幫咗我好多............佢好有責任心..............entertain兼答我n條問題 (主要喺民宿詢問)..............我先住到喺鳩間島...........我明白佢無obligation幫我呢條煩膠line up民宿 (我真喺好很煩).............佢又無佣收...............所以我喺香港買咗我好欣賞嘅ibakery(社企)抹茶曲奇(好味)送比佢............香港製造得嚟..............喺用京都抹茶............同用咗京都hyatt regency嘅recipe..............希望佢鍾意~~~~it is my heartfelt appreciation for all he's done for me!
tour guide of hatoma island world hv given me a BIG hand..............he has a very strong sense of responsibility...........entertain and answer the infinitive number of questions (mainly for the guest house in hatoma)...............so that i can finally secure a shelter in hatoma..............i understand that he has no obligation to help a trouble freak like me to line up the guest house (i am really fxxking trouble).................he receives no commission at all.............therefore i buy him a small pack of matcha cookies (delicious) from my favorite bakery shop - ibakery (social enterprise)..............it is made in hong kong.........but the matcha comes from kyoto..........base on the recipe from hyatt regency kyoto (the pastry chef fly to hong kong to train the staff of ibakery)...........i hope he will like it~~~~~~it is my heartfelt appreciation for all he's done for me!今團都多人................連埋我有13大1細............先喺佢鳩間島間舖頭大家食lunch........基本上喺食咖喱豬扒飯............因為我唔餓............我揀咗食noodle...........溫度超夠熱..............但食完個沙律同刺身 (多筋)後............我只食咗幾啖noodle..........已食唔落喇............味道ok嘅
the group size of today's tour is quite big.........13 adults and 1 kid inclusive of myself.............i meet them at the tour's shop on hatoma island for lunch.............mainly serve curry pork rice.........but i am not hungry............i choose the noodle............temp. is super hot............but after the salad and sashimi...............i only take a few mouthful of noodles............i am full............taste ok
好彩我遇到1對父女同埋個孫...........個女多年前嫁咗去sydney...........今次返嚟日本探屋企人同family trip (但佢亞媽唔鍾意陽光海灘,所以無嚟).............佢英文好得.............咁我就有人同我傾吓講吓
i am lucky to meet a family group (father, daughter, grandson)..............the daughter lives in sydney for several years............this time she and her son come to japan to see her parents and make this family trip (but her mother has not joined coz she does not like sunshine n beach)..................her english is very fluent n good............then i hv somebody to talk to in this tour
原來個軟膠套同鏡頭嘅距離.............產生折射...................令到邊位有飄移效果..............影到好迷幻............my apology!.............可以免強post得嘅只得呢2張
on the way to the 1st snorkeling point..........if i see it right...............i see a small sea tortoise at a glance swimming close to our boat
in this point..........i want to put the plastic waterproof casing to test.............it has passed the preliminary trial at home.............but everything shall b based on the actual result in the sea water..............i am not confident with this casing..............therefore after each photo...........i lift the camera over my head..........to prevent it from immersing in the water too long...........but it will largely disturb my snorkeling mood..........hence when i am done with the shooting...........i bring it back to the boat............i already found some traces of moist inside the casing...........so i know no more shooting in the sea
2nd snorkeling point
3rd snorkeling point
返回鳩間島後................我等到大部份人換好衫後............正式同佢哋講bye bye先走 (tour guide幫我翻譯)............臨走時............tour guide喺個jar度拎咗少少星砂送比我.............我伸手接過...........好似話島仲浜有好多.............多過西表島添
after back to hatoma...........i wait till most of the people finished dressing up...............i formally say goodbye to them (tour guide helps me to translate)............before i leave..........tour guide takes some "star sand" from a jar and i stretch out my hand to take it............heard it is found in島仲浜..........more abundant than in iriomote island
特別鳴謝hatoma island tour事後keep his promise..........share咗呢幾張大file size嘅相比我.............唔睇相都唔知..........原來佢影到海龜呀!
special acknowledgement to hatoma island tour who keep his promise and share me a few large file size photos after the tour...........oh, he sees the sea tortoise and takes a picture...........i hv missed it~~~
吸蜜奇景/ special scene - sucking nectar
行到番近民宿時................我見到有隻虹吸式口器嘅雀仔吸緊d類似"馬櫻丹"嘅植物.............初時我以為佢喺蜂鳥.............望真d佢無尾..........而喺肥嘟嘟嘅body............身上仲有絨毛...........佢似蛾嗰類...............對翼拍動得好高頻率.............難得我走近睇............佢都無飛走............繼續吸完呢朵,又另1朵..............佢好似知道我2隻手都拎住嘢 (1隻手拎住星砂,1隻手拎住tour guide送比我嘅鳩間島map,leaflet.........再孭住個出海袋)..............無手攪佢..........初時擔心放低手上嘅嘢.............拎得部相機出嚟..............佢都飛走咗啦..............但我欣賞咗佢近乎30 sec.............佢好似仲未夠飽............所以我放低d嘢............好彩仲趕得切.............影到1張1/2張...........雖然唔清楚~~~
鳩間島event/ hatoma event
當我沖完涼...........喺房度me me mo mo夠後.............就拎本書去飯廳睇..............因為嗰度先收到wifi..............老板娘見到我............有嘢想同我講..............但無奈佢講日文............用埋ipad我都唔明..............佢無晒辦法................唯有拖住我手腕.............1/2跑1/2行拉咗我出民宿............帶到我去到公民館附近嘅木屋上
原來三好san佢哋全部集合咗喺2樓度.............happy hour緊...............等owner陣間嘅演出.........我揀咗kirin飲 (220 yen).............仲有串燒食 (鴨肉,肝,雞翼等).............因為試業期間...............串燒店老細免費請大家食.............原來老細好多年前嚟過香港同澳門.............仲喺澳門賭場拉老虎機贏過吓$$$$添..............反而老細知道香港最近有直航嚟石垣..............佢話喺報紙度睇到
after the shower..............i stay in the room settling this n settling that for quite a while.............then i take my book to the dining area............where wifi is available............the owner's wife want to tell me something.............but she speaks japanese............use also the ipad.........i still cannot catch what she is trying to say.............she has no option............but hold my wrist..........half run half walk out of the guest house..............until she brings me to the wooden house near the assembly hall
三好san's family n friend all gather upstairs for happy hour.............waiting for the upcoming sanshin performance from the owner................i choose kirin (220 yen)...............also enjoy the grilled skewers (duck meat, liver, chicken wing etc).............because of soft opening.............the restaurant boss is generous to free us the skewers..............the boss went to hong kong n macau many years ago...............also won some money from the lottery machines in the casino of macau...............he knows about the direct flight from hong kong to ishigaki from newspaper
三好san's family n friend all gather upstairs for happy hour.............waiting for the upcoming sanshin performance from the owner................i choose kirin (220 yen)...............also enjoy the grilled skewers (duck meat, liver, chicken wing etc).............because of soft opening.............the restaurant boss is generous to free us the skewers..............the boss went to hong kong n macau many years ago...............also won some money from the lottery machines in the casino of macau...............he knows about the direct flight from hong kong to ishigaki from newspaper
the very long island in the opposite side............is iriomote.............i can see a weak rainbow above iriomote

今日好好彩遇到有人嚟個島攪event (好少有)............仲請咗owner去表演3線琴.............三好san話比我聽owner (加治工勇先生) 其實都出名.............曾被邀請去日本唔同city演奏過.............佢喺唱作人嚟............作過1首出名嘅鳩間の港嘅歌...........owner嘅演繹同以前我喺那霸食肆中聽過嘅live表演(又嘈又刺耳)好唔同.............佢把聲soft..........演繹以韻味為重.............好似古年醇酒咁................易接受好多~~~
因為突然被老板娘拉來.............所以我無手機,無相機.............影唔到owner live嘅演出.............同時台下嘅人即興大跳沖繩舞.................氣氛好好...........大家好開心.............成個場面令我諗起oktoberfest
today is very lucky to come across someone holding an event in hatoma (very rare)............they invite the owner to perform sanshin.............三好san tells me that the owner (mr 加治工勇) is famous in the field of sanshin............had been invited to perform sanshin in few cities in japan.............he is a composer and singer of sanshin................鳩間の港is his signature song..........the presentation of the owner is very different from the one i heard in the restaurant in naha (very noisy and high pitch)..............he has a soft voice...........his presentation is focus on the feeling expression n the mood............like a very aged wine.............easy to listen~~~~because of the sudden pull out by the owner's wife............i do not bring with me the mobile phone nor camera............i cannot capture any photo about owner's live performance............n the people down stage is having fun with the okinawa dance............the mood is high..........everybody is happy...........the scene makes me think of oktoberfest
屋良浜日落/ sunset at yara beach
今日1定要去睇日落................而且我問咗tour guide點樣行到去屋良浜.............問埋幾點日落............又喺幽靜嘅山路............好彩行咗無耐...............終於後面有3個女仔跟住............我諗大家都喺行緊去屋良浜睇日落............雖然同佢哋都有1大段距離..............但都叫做有個伴.........個心都定好多
today i must go to watch sunset..............besides, tour guide has taught me how to get to yara beach...........n also the time of sunset..............same quiet hillside road............lucky that after some time............3 gals joined in the walk..............i think we r going to the same destination.............though v r quite far apart............at least i get company............my heart is more relievedbut today, the clouds above the sea level is very thick...............therefore i cannot see the typical "egg yolk" type sunset.............but doesnt matter............i hv been very lucky in many ways in this trip already!
地址 : idafuni民宿
電話 : +81 0980 85 6374
收費 : 訂房包咗
整體評價 : good
dinner starts around 7:00pm.............because i go to watch sunset..............i get back to guest house at almost 8pm.............they have reserved one set for me...........i am so hot, hv to drink a chilled beer
飯後吹水/ chatting after dinner
the highlight of tonite is the battle between 三好san's wife and me about our age..............both of us r very confident that "i am older"..............i suggest a betv first list how many brothers and sisters v have..............both of us rank the 4th...............then v talk abt the age of our mothers.............but when i heard that her mother is ~10 years older than my mom...............i am a bit shocked and my face turns blue................三好san notices the change of my facial expression.............cant help laughing
his wife talks about her chinese zodiac..............oh jesus, what a coincidence!!...........my eyes r wide opened............v r of the same year!!!..............v need to come down to month level.............i sigh a relief when i know she is born in dec..............i win marginally by 2 months
she tells her friend n owner's wife who r also interested to know my age
in japan.........men or women............at any age levels............they dont mind telling u their age............very different from hong kong
-佢哋又問我香港有無統計咩血型嘅人多d.............oh, sorry,我唔知喎...............喺日本............佢哋話a型血嘅人多d (希望我無記錯)............仲叫我估吓佢哋4個............有幾多個人喺a型..............我估錯咗..............佢哋4個都喺o型呀!.............hahaha
they ask me if there is any statistics for the majority blood type in hong kong.............oh, sorry, i dun know..............in japan..............they tell me that more people fall into blood type a (hope i remember correctly)............they ask me to guess how many of them r type a..............i guess it wrong............all of them r type o!...............hahaha
三好san tells me the supply of the local breed eel is very limited now............at an expensive price...........so eels r imported from china..............i immediately tell him not to eat then.............he says that the owner also say the same thing
-之後佢哋訪問香港人會唔用toilet shower..............初時我誤會咗佢嘅意思..........即喺座厠嘅噴水功能.............我話我唔會............佢哋有興趣問我點解
they ask if hong kong people like to use the toilet shower.................i misunderstand the meaning in the beginning.........it refers to the shower function of the flush toilet.............i say i dun like it...........they r interested to know why
三好san bought the mini firework in ishigaki for ryuto................i tell them it is forbidden to play firework in hong kong.............they urge me to play firework with ryuto................ryuto is very kind to free me 1 piece............they buy it from coco! convenient store............next time, i need to buy a pack...............hehe
live 3線琴表演/ live sanshin show
之後就引發咗owner拎個3線琴出嚟.................開始咗1場迷你音樂會...............仲有唱佢嘅名作"鳩間の港"..............之前有個mixed嘅日本小妹妹............同佢改篇咗個廣東話/國語版歌詞.................由三好san唱出廣東話/國語版.............好攪笑.............what a nite!............原來三好san, 佢老婆同朋友不約而同都學過3線琴.............不過因為難..............所以放棄咗~~~~
after listening to owner's performance this late afternoon............i play them a song (天涯海角) from the hong kong singer周華健 via youtube.........i tell them this song is widely played in the restaurant in naha but in sanshin cover............they know it already when hearing the first few notes...........they say the owner knows the original sanshin singer
it triggers the owner to take out the sanshin.................a mini concert of sanshin starts...............from the song of the widely spread one in naha.............then also play his signature song "鳩間の港"..............a mixed japanese little girl once helped the owner to compose the cantonese/ mandarin lyrics..............featuring 三好san to sing in cantonese/ mandarin..............very funny...........what a nite!...........in fact 三好san, his wife and his friend have separately learned sanshin before............but eventually drop out because too difficult~~~~
我返到香港後............上youtube search加治工勇................有link可欣賞"鳩間の港"首歌.............喺佢隔離同台演出..............我估喺佢個仔.............聽聞佢個仔都喺玩音樂
when i back to hong kong.............i search加治工勇in youtube............here is the link of the song "鳩間の港"..........i believe the young guy on the stage next to the owner is his son.............heard that his son is also a musician
star watching
再去睇多次星空先................香港睇唔到.............不過都喺琴晚靚d因為個銀河明顯d.............good nite!
go to watch the stars again.................coz unable to see this in hong kong.............but yesterday better coz the milky way is clearer.............good nite!