if you're not super user, handling tons of CG, programms... then you can consider replacing with a laptop; just $4000 - 5000 can get a new one from dell, already good enough for most common requirements and your blog can have more real time update with your laptop, and make you more professional.
jj 姐,所以我多數會勸自已唔識整機o既人買 notebook,有乜東瓜豆腐要帶佢去睇 e 生點都輕便好多!
回覆刪除唔緊要啦, 我地等得架... 天氣熱啊, 拎住佢行要休息...下啦... 保重...
回覆刪除其實個重點只係想講買 notebook 會方面 d 咁解o者
回覆刪除Missing your blog... Take your time...
回覆刪除會唔會係潮濕, 我屋企的notebook最近都係咁, 攪到我reply唔到, 又post唔到, 激都我死.....! 所以我係好明白你既感受架, 慢慢黎啦, 我地會等你架。
回覆刪除仲有, 原廠整好煩架, 先收$500檢查費, 整再等十日, 可以等得十日使乜要電腦!
回覆刪除所以唔捨得攞去整囉, 整唔整都要比架。 同埋十日好難等。 你可唔可以介紹個間鋪仔比我, 如果唔遠都比佢地睇下, 但可唔可靠架?
回覆刪除拎去電腦舖仔整? 會唔會有陳冠希事件發生o架? 快 d 整返好佢啦,等睇你既食評!
回覆刪除近排事忙,無睇一輪您個 blog,乜您個腦 o甘 大穫呀!買個部 handheld 啦,frequent traveler!
回覆刪除好, 等你, thanks! 我尋晚去左toilet食飯勒, 好ok喎, 我post左出黎。
回覆刪除唔係呀,自動熄機都會被宣佈香雞o左!上次我個仔部機都係突然自動熄機,都係死o左隻牛咋,妳咁好彩咖,咁就無o左個good friend.
回覆刪除喂喂喂,等得好唔耐煩啦,快 d post 新 review 啦!
回覆刪除19 篇??? 撞鬼囉! 點睇呀?! 咁勤力讀書考試? 抵讚!
回覆刪除if you buy a new one, it takes at most several days to receive the notebook, but now already 10 days .....
回覆刪除your fans will have more serious mental illness, if they keep on waiting.
回覆刪除if you're not super user, handling tons of CG, programms... then you can consider replacing with a laptop; just $4000 - 5000 can get a new one from dell, already good enough for most common requirements
回覆刪除and your blog can have more real time update with your laptop, and make you more professional.
回覆刪除hey, what are you studying?