地址 : resort內
電話 : -
收費 : 訂房包埋
整體評價 : fair與good之間
因為今日要出海............5:50am喺lobby pick up............所以要食packed breakfast...........但呢個packed breakfast太hea..........我喺大堂食咗件芝士3文治同1隻蕉後...........就還番其餘食物比酒店 (唔好浪費)
koh tachai
優惠收費 : 3,000 baht/head (因為我喺舊客..........正價應該喺3,500 baht)
tour by : khao lak land discovery
優惠收費 : 3,000 baht/head (因為我喺舊客..........正價應該喺3,500 baht)
tour by : khao lak land discovery
website : http://www.khaolaklanddiscovery.com/
booked via : khao lak land discovery
pick up time : 5:50am from hotel
covered : round trip transfer, speedboat, snorkeling equip., life jacket, lunch, soft drinks, snack, fresh fruit
satisfaction index : fabulous experience (有陸上生態探索.........d水好清..........主要難得見到1大群parrot fish集體開餐嘅場面.........可遇不可求)
special acknowledgement : i hv to give special credit to jasmine, the office staff of khao lak land discovery, who is very generous to share a valuable video with me and allow me to post it here
i hv promised jasmine to forward this blog to her once it is released.............that is why i write this part in bilingual
接你嘅車喺架新束束van仔..........宜家佢有自己嘅碼頭...........可以有簡單嘅早餐食...........個toilet又多格又乾淨............當然又要簽acceptance + liability release letter
booked via : khao lak land discovery
pick up time : 5:50am from hotel
covered : round trip transfer, speedboat, snorkeling equip., life jacket, lunch, soft drinks, snack, fresh fruit
satisfaction index : fabulous experience (有陸上生態探索.........d水好清..........主要難得見到1大群parrot fish集體開餐嘅場面.........可遇不可求)
special acknowledgement : i hv to give special credit to jasmine, the office staff of khao lak land discovery, who is very generous to share a valuable video with me and allow me to post it here
i hv promised jasmine to forward this blog to her once it is released.............that is why i write this part in bilingual
接你嘅車喺架新束束van仔..........宜家佢有自己嘅碼頭...........可以有簡單嘅早餐食...........個toilet又多格又乾淨............當然又要簽acceptance + liability release letter
u will b picked up by a nice van.............now they hv their own pier..............offering simple breakfast.............toilet has many compartments and clean.............of course, u hv to sign the acceptance + liability release letter
今團只有我1個亞洲人..............全部人都講德文............宜家佢哋每個團都有2個tour guide...........1個german guide講德文 (tom)...........1個local guide講英文 (don)................個local guide當然主責招呼我啦............don嘅英文10分fluent.............tom都有按我要求間唔中講吓英文...........今次khao lak land discovery仲安排咗2個office嘅german靚女做inspector
in this tour, i m the only asian.............all the rest are speaking german............now khao lak land discovery has arranged 2 tour guides in 1 tour............one german guide (tom)............one local guide speaking english (don)................the local guide mainly "entertains" me (vip of today)................tom also speaks english sometimes as i hv requested earlier...............v also hv 2 german pretty gals from the tour company (office staff) as inspector
1st landing point..........jungle walk.........安排早d上岸...........咁我哋就會喺第1艘船到達............可以影到無人/少人嘅沙灘
1st landing point..........jungle walk.........arrange coming earlier...............so that our boat is the 1st to land.............and hv the chance to "monopolize" the beach and can even take picture of a very quiet beach
it is lucky to see a living chicken crab............he deeply hides himself.............the 2 tour guides find him for very long time...........if not he stretches out his hand...........i can hardly notice him...........i thought he is on the ground
有幸見到hermit crab真身...........同枯葉顏色好似
lucky to see a living giant hermit crab............but he is wearing a protective color like the fallen leaves
because of no rainfall..............it is difficult to see this rare snail species
because of no rainfall..............it is difficult to see this rare snail species
hv some free time on the beach
1st snorkeling point...........水清.............但珊瑚底同魚類只喺好普通料.........直到另1公司嘅大團 (5隻船)殺到埋嚟...........即時變到成海人,好似開party咁...........嗰間公司好唔專業...........我哋嘅tour guide決定走人 (無謂大家迫埋1齊).........返去食early lunch
1st snorkeling point.............water is clear.............but the coral bed and variety of fish is not much and of very standard type............when a big tour of 5 boats anchor nearby.............a party of people join snorkeling in the same area.............that tour company isnt professional.............our tour guide decides to leave (no point of squeezing everybody together)..............heading for an early lunch
2nd snorkeling point...........captain落水做confidence check............水清 (落水前洗吓個mask鏡).............海底好過頭先個snorkeling point..............見到形狀獨特嘅硬珊瑚 (好似喺funnel coral)..........似多瓣花喺水底開花咁............但都喺同石垣島有距離啦
2nd snorkeling point.............captain goes to the water to conduct confidence check first.............water is very clear (wash the mask with detergent in advance)..............the view under sea is better than the previous point............u can see a special type of hard coral (looks like funnel coral)............like flower of double layer petals blossoming on the sea bed....................but the amazing level of the coral bed cannot b compared to ishigaki in okinawa
最大得著喺見到1大群parrot fish同其他中大size嘅魚種............當時都喺local tour guide大聲呼召我過去.................我盡快游埋去..............見到應該有幾100條parrot fish形成1個魚球............1齊狂噬1舊大硬珊瑚開餐..............好amazing...........我睇咗好耐.........要個guide催我上水..........上船後當然要同成船人say sorry la~~~~~
同行嘅tour inspector - jasmine拍底成video...........仲好大方email條片比我兼同意我share埋喺個blog度.........我真喺好多謝佢.........條片 (00:30) 最珍貴嘅地方喺拍到幾100條parrot fish由游埋去至到開餐嘅成個過程..............補番我睇唔到嘅前傳
the biggest reward of this tour is the scene of hundreds of medium-big size parrot fish...........when the local guide loudly calls me to swim to his side...........i swim in full speed.............then i see a really big crowd of "fish ball" mainly in parrot fish..............they r vigorously biting on the big trunk of hard coral...........very amazing.........i never see this in my life............so i stay watching it for very long time...........until the local guide urges me to the boat...........i apologize to everyone when on board coz they r all waiting for me
when i m still excited about the whole thing...........i talk to the tour mates............however, they r very calm and do not hv much response.............is it very common in their countries?
jasmine, one of the tour inspectors, takes the stunning video and is very generous to email it to me...........and i share this video in my blog with her consent.............i m really really grateful to her sharing..............this video even captures the precious moment when hundreds of parrot fish, from a distance, progressing to the hard coral for group lunch...........it supplements the part that i hv missed
in the return trip to the pier............v land on a sand island called "par" in thai..............there lives another species of hermit crab who lives near the sea.............they r very sensitive...........they will stop moving and hide inside the shell whenever they feel your existence
正當同亞don閒談時.........突然間crew member喺沙島上周圍遞水果比客食..........個西瓜仍舊切成心形.............好似去咗cocktail party咁..........有canape serve
when i m chatting with don...........it is unexpected that the crew member offers the fresh fruit to us and everyone scattered on the island.........the water melon is still cutting in heart shape like 2 years ago............it seems like attending a cocktail party with waiter/ waitress walking around to serve canape
今日好好彩..............地上(咁多生物品種)海裡 (parrot fish好national geographic)都咁多嘢睇.............好難得............要知道霞姨無派到飯盒比佢哋架~~~XDD
today is a big lucky day..............i can see so many species of living creature on land and the very "national geographic" (parrot fish) type moment in the sea.............not easy to meet them all in 1 day............u hv to know they dun accept appointment...........XDD
名稱 : casi thai massages
地址 : 5/7 M.7, Khuk Khak Subdistrict, Khao Lak 82190, Thailand
電話 : +66 (0) 7648 5351
營業時間 : mon-sun : 10h00 to 23h00
收費 : 400 baht
remarks : 格局簡陋好多
純個人整體評價 : 唔同師傅手勢參差 (唔嚴重)..............但性價比好高
琴日試過.........可再嚟..........尤其今日晒傷咗 :
1) aloe vera gel massage 60 mins (400 baht)
-呢度無welcome drink
-同琴日同1個床位 (尾位)
-佢喺用gel唔喺油.........效果應該好d.........我仲叫佢喺重災區+多d gel (後手臂同後大腿)嚟推
-今次個師傅手勢柔咗d (連我唔受力都覺得柔)..........唔知喺咪見我晒傷咗
-同琴日同1個床位 (尾位)
-佢喺用gel唔喺油.........效果應該好d.........我仲叫佢喺重災區+多d gel (後手臂同後大腿)嚟推
-今次個師傅手勢柔咗d (連我唔受力都覺得柔)..........唔知喺咪見我晒傷咗
地址 : 13/138 Moo 7, Khuk Khak, A. Takuapa, Phangnga 82190, Thailand
電話 : +66 (0) 81 917 9231
收費 : 詳情如下
純個人整體評價 : over priced
共買咗 :
1) 100% coconut oil x 2 (net @350 baht)
-原價390 baht/樽...............只得250ml.............我同佢講喺massage店介紹..............又買2支先-到350 baht
-好貴..........相比年頭去bangkok..........喺big c買到嗰樽450ml都喺285 baht
-個樣好似同casi thai massage嘅bunny show比我睇嘅唔同
-好貴..........相比年頭去bangkok..........喺big c買到嗰樽450ml都喺285 baht
-個樣好似同casi thai massage嘅bunny show比我睇嘅唔同
2) 樟腦餅 x 3 (@50 baht)
-點解我知佢overprice...........喺因為最後嗰晚我想搵縮骨傘買............先入去嗰d souvenir shop睇...........呢間比較大...........集合咗好多stalls............最入嗰檔有賣健康產品..........1模1樣..........標價280 baht.........仲未講價喎..........做咗超級豬~~~~~~
地址 : 10/1 Moo 7, Khuk Khak, Subdistrict, Khao Lak 82190, Thailand
電話 : +66 (0) 7648 5554
收費 : 40 baht/head
純個人整體評價 : very good
有晚食飽後經過, 已target搵晚要嚟..........嚟到泰國,食碗當地湯粉喺常識 :
1) noodle with hot & sour soup - beef (40 baht)
-個湯base喺clear type.........帶清新嘅檸酸同mild辣..........仲頂得住..........夠味又吸引........掂
-個湯base喺clear type.........帶清新嘅檸酸同mild辣..........仲頂得住..........夠味又吸引........掂
-我張長枱嘅老外客.........全部都叫炒嘢+白飯...........見到有個歐洲佬好似問佢個menu圖有隻蛋........但實物少咗...........waiter返嚟答佢out stock.........我心諗...........唔喺化?蛋都out stock.........我對面老外嗰碟喺比現成袋裝辣椒醬...........所以對佢湯粉以外嘅dish有點保留
-當晚佢好full..........1位難求...........佢話1喺搭枱..........我話如果對方唔介意.............我ok.........我massage完本來好肚餓...........但比坐對面嘅老外 (佢外表唔差........最多3x嘅歐洲佬..........外型有點似電影hitman : agent 47嘅光頭佬..............有eating manner,食得斯文,唔會食到jep jep聲 <--我最乸憎) 破壞咗胃口.............因1坐低佢已對我blink雙眼........我聽到佢會用英文答waitress嘢.........總之我1向前望.........佢就會對我blink雙眼...........但就1句嘢都唔打算同我講..............佢都見住我用英文落order..........所以我只顧玩手機同影相............食得好唔自然~~~~~
佢早過我食完..........但又唔埋單...........我心諗你唔喺等我呀嘛???............到我食完時.........我喺銀包快快抽出40 baht...........自己走出去埋單............起身時禮貎地講句gd bye~~~~~
-當晚佢好full..........1位難求...........佢話1喺搭枱..........我話如果對方唔介意.............我ok.........我massage完本來好肚餓...........但比坐對面嘅老外 (佢外表唔差........最多3x嘅歐洲佬..........外型有點似電影hitman : agent 47嘅光頭佬..............有eating manner,食得斯文,唔會食到jep jep聲 <--我最乸憎) 破壞咗胃口.............因1坐低佢已對我blink雙眼........我聽到佢會用英文答waitress嘢.........總之我1向前望.........佢就會對我blink雙眼...........但就1句嘢都唔打算同我講..............佢都見住我用英文落order..........所以我只顧玩手機同影相............食得好唔自然~~~~~
佢早過我食完..........但又唔埋單...........我心諗你唔喺等我呀嘛???............到我食完時.........我喺銀包快快抽出40 baht...........自己走出去埋單............起身時禮貎地講句gd bye~~~~~