地址 : 赤鱲角香港國際機場一號客運大樓第8層離港大堂夾層E區8T005
電話 : 2136 0695
消費 : $250/head (ie total $1,750)
整體評價 : fair
1) hereford set menu x 2 (@hk$228)
i) bread-這個set真喺超抵食...........聞說喺用番98年個價

ii) complimentary house wine x 2-仲有紅酒添,不過我無飲

iii) baked escargot in herbs butter x 2

iv) main
a) grilled fillet of black cod wrapped with bacon & thyme

b) grilled australian ribeye steak (200g) with potato wedge

v) dessert
a) blueberry cheesecake
-呢個blueberry cheesecake味道普通
b) tiramisu

vi) hot cuppucino x 2

2) fillet 300g (hk$398)

3) sirloin 400g (hk$400)

4) chocolate brownie with mocca ice cream (hk$78)

5) ice cream with chocolate sauce (hk$78)

6) hereford special (hk$98)
-有vanilla ice cream, raisins marinated in gin, ginger, caloric liqueur, coffee powder
-caloric liqueur喺全個雪糕新地嘅靈魂..........據waiter講,樽酒喺入口番嚟
消費 : $250/head (ie total $1,750)
整體評價 : fair
jan 28, 12...........13人嚟dinner.............不過分開2邊落order.........我嗰邊叫咗 :
1) hereford set menu x 2 (@hk$228)
i) bread-這個set真喺超抵食...........聞說喺用番98年個價
ii) complimentary house wine x 2-仲有紅酒添,不過我無飲
iii) baked escargot in herbs butter x 2
iv) main
a) grilled fillet of black cod wrapped with bacon & thyme
b) grilled australian ribeye steak (200g) with potato wedge
v) dessert
a) blueberry cheesecake
-呢個blueberry cheesecake味道普通
b) tiramisu
vi) hot cuppucino x 2
2) fillet 300g (hk$398)
3) sirloin 400g (hk$400)
4) chocolate brownie with mocca ice cream (hk$78)
5) ice cream with chocolate sauce (hk$78)
6) hereford special (hk$98)
-有vanilla ice cream, raisins marinated in gin, ginger, caloric liqueur, coffee powder
-caloric liqueur喺全個雪糕新地嘅靈魂..........據waiter講,樽酒喺入口番嚟
1) 店內環境
2) 第1次post就mark closed喺因為食友知道這裡就結業所以我哋先伙伴而嚟................這裡只做到2月1日............之後就關門裝修6個月.............唔知集團會開過咩嘅新餐廳
3) 當晚比我地巧遇到洪天明+周家蔚喺另張枱