電話 : 2657 7562
消費 : $84/ head (ie total $420)
消費 : $84/ head (ie total $420)
整體評價 : good
1) 熱綠茶 (hk$26)
2) latte x 2 (@hk$36)
3) banana milkshake x 2 (@hk$40)
4) french toast (hk$38)
5) high tea for 2 (hk$156)
6) grilled ham, mushroom & cheese on toast (hk$45)
1) 隱蔽的店名..........掛於側牆上2) 飲品餐牌
3) 店內佈置
4) 店內小擺設+餐具..........很有心思,也有品味........女仔來見到會好開心
1) 在維記公園對面嘅queen's college旁.............有條好窄嘅長橋
2) 1路向前行 (不過夜咗.......連網球場都收埋工.........就唔好行呢條橋啦,因太靜............除非你好打得啦~~~~~)
3) 去到盡頭.........望右.......行到去安全島個位
4) 過去對面嘅乾衣舖
5) 沿住佢側邊條路直入
6) 1路向前行..............會見橙色牌
7) 再向前1個路口就喺........對面會望到百佳
佢o既咸食令我到訪意欲加大左唔少呀! 因為依家阿B好demand咸野呢, haha~
回覆刪除係啦~ 所以e生話似係仔多d, 我一d唔surprise!
回覆刪除Very lovely little prince stuff. The sugar cube is cute too. Yeah, seldom walk there late night. My friend lives there and heard lots of ghost stories there.
回覆刪除One of the story: It was many years ago when the victoria park was still a harbour and no reclaimation yet. My friend's uncle drove through the road opposite to Queen's college and saw a group of kids playing balls on the road at the mid night and the kids was chasing the ball towards sea. Then my friend's uncle got out of the car and tried to stop them. He already felt weird that how come there were kids playing at the mid night. Then once he got out of the car, there is no one out there. He was so scared and feel sick for months. True story.
回覆刪除I like this wooden block ~
好鍾意嘓D sugar cube 啊!
回覆刪除環境好靚野食又吸引~~~~搵日要去先~~~~!!!必食high tea~~~~~!