dec 28, 09,2人嚟早餐。本來友人可以早1點嚟排隊,可惜佢有點阻滯,只能早1/2個鐘頭到.........攞咗籌,喺第2輪........辦完銀行業務後.........番嚟差點miss咗個位,好彩啫,叫咗 :
1) 茶$$$$ (@hk$2)
2) 鳳爪排骨飯 (hk$17)
3) 晶瑩鮮蝦餃 (hk$16)
4) 鮮菇棉花雞 (hk$16)
5) 酥皮叉燒包 (hk$12)
6) 黃沙豬膶腸 (hk$14)
-個腸粉皮真喺好薄,透晒豬膶片出嚟,同最近去過佐敦嘅跌watt x記比,呢個明顯高班
1) 佢未攞米芝蓮之名前已想嚟........但1諗到要勁排,咁就遲d先啦........不過摘星之後,決定嚟趁虛.........所以揀咗閒日嘅早茶巿嚟........相信會等少d

1) 佢未攞米芝蓮之名前已想嚟........但1諗到要勁排,咁就遲d先啦........不過摘星之後,決定嚟趁虛.........所以揀咗閒日嘅早茶巿嚟........相信會等少d
2) 以咁茶檔酒樓嘅環境..........有咁嘅食物質素(絶對中上)..........攞到米芝蓮1星,也非浪得虛名
1) 坐mtr旺角站..........e2出口
2) 向前行
3) 過呢條馬路........向前行
4) 去到第1個路口 (通菜街南)..........轉右前行
5) 去到山東街........繼續前行
6) 過馬路,繼續前行
7) 去到尾..........過對面嘅ok前行
8) 過馬路........向前行
9) 過對面馬路
10) 向地產公司向方前行........無耐就到
睇餐牌同價位, 佢同點心居好似咁, 其實我都好想食呀! 不過地點有點麻煩~~
回覆刪除Will go next time in HK. Heard that the Siu Mai is good too...Yum
回覆刪除jj 姐, need help! my friend is coming to HK but will only stop by 10 hrs or so, wanna take her to some good food close to the 機場快線, western or chinese is fine. have been considering the 利苑 in either IFC or Elements. any other recommendation? THANKS in advance!!!!
回覆刪除1) will eat dinner with her lar 2) arrival at around 3:30pm and departure at 1:00am 3) she'll come over on Sunday 4) she suggested western since we are going to drink wine, but i told her we could try matching chinese food with wines.
回覆刪除since we are going to bring our own wines, W hotel could be a problem coz usually they charge expensive corkage...beside, i'm buying her dinner, it would be too expensive to eat in a hotel. any other good suggestion? THANKS!!!
我都想去好幾次喇, 但次次見到d人就唔想等, 都食唔到, 記得第一次去攞籌時, 排緊隊既人話要等三個鐘喎, 都唔知係咪既.
回覆刪除after some search in openrice, i have narrowed down my selection to Lei Garden, this one: and this one: but if you have any good suggestion, pls kindly let me know, thank you!!! p.s. how about western food? any recommendation? ;P
回覆刪除U should try 燒賣 next time! excellent indeed!!
回覆刪除我見成日都好多人架...雖然我公司好似呢間食店...但都無乜機會去TRY... 係咪有外賣架呢...係就賣走TRY TRY都好~
回覆刪除no lar....just 3! my friend, my wife and myself. considering Yung Kee too, but it might out of my budget, beside, haven't checked the corkage.... anyway, will wait for your advise, THANK YOU!!!
回覆刪除"因呢間喺香港都好叱吒吓" 你嬴,... 太爛.. 哈.
回覆刪除真係好唔該哂! 三間西餐唔太吸引,而大班樓應該難 book 位。 我估我會揀名人坊或者鏞記! 再次多謝你既推介!
回覆刪除finally i booked 名人坊 since the corkage in Yung Kee is $100 per bottle with 10%! Thanks!
回覆刪除wah...good wor!! 又好味又抵食咁喎~ 點都好過我食龍景軒有膠片啊....wahahaha....