2010年1月18日 星期一

Bitte Bitte@銅鑼灣 - 腸仔杯+熱狗 (closed)


地址 : 銅鑼灣景隆街15號海都大廈地下B&C號舖
電話 : 2777 7220
消費 : $26/head
整體評價 : fair與good之間
1st visit
dec 19, 09,嚟食late lunch, 揀咗淨腸仔+薯條 :

1) 司華力腸仔杯 (hk$26)

1) 下次要試吓熱狗

2nd visit
dec 23, 09,嚟試埋熱狗,尤其想同前日喺灣仔嗰間比較吓 :

1) delish relish (hk$24)
-但麵包部份都見佢有臨尾都焗多焗,不過就無灣仔dog lxxxx嘅鬆度感
-所以純以熱狗論熱狗,我會揀dog lxxxx

1) 個人覺得腸仔杯比熱狗好,可能我鍾意腸仔杯嘅腸仔粗身d,食落有口感d。所以我會encore腸仔杯

2) 如果佢哋喺整熱狗時戴番隻手套,衛生上會好好多

3) 住咗幾10年香港島,都未去過鴨利洲嘅工業大廈..........有好多開廠名牌子,傢俱嗰座..........之後掟起心肝坐車去~~~

4 則留言:

  1. 個幢工業大廈都唔多野睇既

  2. You have 2 posts this week for hot dog wor. Seems like you must like hot dog very much. The sauce is very creative. It is really convenient to have it for lunch gar. I like to have it on Friday too. We just have ketch up/ mustard/ chopped onion and pickle only. Sausage choices are mango chicken, smoked apple chicken, bratwurst. I like to have hot dog with garlic fries but just cannot have it at the office.

  3. 嘩..腸呀....走人.

  4. Hot dog is ok to have it in office. But after eating garlic fries, too smelly to talk with peopel in meeting. My boss even took out the onion in sandwich to prevent the odour. It is very different in US. In HK/ UK, you can buy take away of McDonald and bring back to Office to eat. In US/ US firm, we cannot bring McDonald in Office gar. Even McDoanld was established in US, they regarded it low taste/ unhealthy to have it in Office, especially in design firm. I talked with this with one of my UK co-worker, and he said the same thing (it is ok in the UK to have McDonald). One time, we went out together to hide at McDoanld for lunch. Hee Hee
