2017年1月14日 星期六

cologne (co trip)/ day 3 : dec 4 - 11, 2016

day 3行程 - dec 6, 2016 (tue)


名稱 : glashaus restaurant (06h00-10h30)
地址 : hyatt regency cologne內
電話 : +49 221 8281 1773
收費 : 訂房包埋
純個人整體評價 : impressed


-因為連續3日都喺hyatt regency有full day meeting...........3日lunch+refreshment breaks都喺度食.............佢哋嘅食物味道唔錯.............調味just rite.............無過鹹

full day meeting

都唔知點解每日d meeting要8:30am咁早就開始..................直踩到>5pm..................慘過返工............每人枱面都有2樣禮物.............原來今日喺德國嘅st nicolas day.............."Many children put a boot called Nikolaus-Stiefel (Nikolaus boot) outside the front door on the night of 5 December. St. Nicholas fills the boot with gifts and sweets overnight, and at the same time checks up on the children to see if they were good, polite and helpful the last year. If they were not, they will have a stick (Rute) in their boots instead"

xmas market @hyatt regency

今晚大會為大家安排嘅節目 (自願參+性質)..............之前我有email過organiser問xmas market咩嚟架?............佢解釋喺德國xmas時候好popular嘅market.............咁就去見識吓啦............其實琴日afternoon我已見識咗

大會特意喺酒店對出嘅小空地攪咗1個只喺屬於我哋嘅xmas market...........有我最感好奇嘅gluhwein (ie mulled wine)..............喺熱紅酒.............+入spices eg cinnamon, cloves, orange, sugar............之後1飲愛上............呢晚飲咗2杯............其他food stall仲有bratwurst, crepe, pizza, 飯, 啤酒.............仲有類似冰壼玩添~~~

