2009年3月30日 星期一

天扶良@銅鑼灣 - 聞名已久天婦羅

地址 : 銅鑼灣恩平道42號亨利中心9樓
電話 : 2805 7848
消費 : $168/head (ie total $335)
整體評價 : fair

mar 23, 09,2人來lunch,叫咗2個set lunch :

1) 廣御膳 (hk$170)
i) 漬物

ii) 前菜

iii) 蒸蛋

iv) chef salad

v) 刺身

vi) 天婦羅

vii) 燒銀鱈魚

viii) 白飯

ix) 麵豉湯

x) 水果

xi) 餐飲

2) 8件天婦羅定食 (hk$130)
i)-iii) 如上

iv) 沙律

v) 雜錦天婦羅

vi) 白飯

vii) 麵豉湯

viii) 水果

ix) 餐飲

1) 店內setting
2) 平時比較少食天婦羅...........唔差,今次未見話好突出,所以下次會選中環之友推介喺交易廣場嗰間試吓

3) 同場見到杜麗莎同亞女坐喺角落枱位

1) 假設你坐mtr銅鑼灣站............渣甸坊出口............之後轉右

2) 行到去個corner位有間雪糕店xx dolce.........之後轉左

3) 向前行大約分"鯪"鐘就見到大廈入口+水牌臨立

2 則留言:

  1. "中環之友推介喺交易廣場嗰間試吓".....is which one ar??
    我在中環通常去碗屋食, d 刺身都好新鮮架.....可惜我去左幾次都無影相...

  2. Deli Prince Club 美味少爷3/30/2009 7:36 下午

    this japanese restaruant should have been overpraised very much by the media. i have tried once as well. its tempura is only average. considerable amount of oil (as in your photo above and my experience) can be found in tempura (i do not accept this is a rare case. if you charge a set at more than $150, you should provide the best quality food to us. if they cannot provide the best food quality, they surely would not give you a 20% discount). there is still a distance from the standard of good quality (the quality that a lunch set charging at $150 should have).
