2008年12月27日 星期六

海景軒@尖沙咀 - 巧手真功夫1

地址 : 尖沙咀麼地道70號海景嘉福酒店B2層
電話 : 2731 2883
消費 : $400/head (ie total $10,000)
整體評價 : good 

1st visit
dec 11, 08晚,大圍飯局(25人),食咗 :

1) 嘉福6小碟
i) 鳳城鯪魚球

ii) 酥脆綱油豬腦

iii) 茶香肘子花

iv) 香卥明月大肝

v) 蜜餞牛肋肉

vi) 明爐燒鳳肝

2) 沙魚骨濃湯4寶豬肚

3) 玻璃大蝦球

4) 古法紅燒全瑞

5) 杭州富貴雞




............未完............記住仲有part 2

3 則留言:

  1. hi, i wanna ask whether this dinner was organized by Openrice經典飯局巡禮
    boz i just noticed facebook has this group. thanks.

  2. oicic...thanks for your info.
    I'll also pick interested restaurants only...hee hee:)
    too bad that i miss the dinner at 西苑 & 海景軒! These two restaurants are sooooo attractive for me lei .
    anyway, i will keep an eye on it and see whether they will organize any interesting gathering in the near future. 祥記 & 元朗大榮華 seems not so interested for me.

  3. haha, actually, i just joined their group for two days.
    i never receive any invitation but i just read thier "future event"...
    oic...原來要被 invite 先可以出席架....oooooo
    anyway, hope we can have chance to meet up in the near future...hee hee:)
