2008年3月14日 星期五


mar 02, 08晚上,友人炮製咗以下美食,我哋14人食咗 :

1) 羅宋湯
-好足料(薯仔,紅蘿蔔,紅腰豆,椰菜,洋蔥………),+咗茄膏同basil leaf,,鹹味剛好,好味

2) 日式沙律

3) 魚柳意粉

4) 木糠布甸

1) 多謝友人精心煮咗呢餐比我哋食

3 則留言:

  1. 我都想試下整那個木糠布甸啊~ 但係無玻璃杯! 好似會無咁靚咁~!

  2. 麻醬,黑醋汁, 油麥菜 ? 乜咁熟口熟面o既?!

  3. Deli Prince Club 美味少爷3/14/2008 8:35 下午

    your question makes me embarrassed. how can i reply you in front of my other blogmates? in hong kong newspaper stands, besides eatntravel weekly, there are u, weekendhk, hk magazine, next, east, touch, 3, tvb, and express... in fact, the restaurants they introduce are more or less similar. at the moment, i admit eatntravel is the best available chinese magazine. i guess no matter which magazine(s) you read, the outcome would be more or less the same. it may only be a coincidence. i remember, for golden captain, the source should not be from eatntravel. my selection criterion is location first, this is why i normally would dine in central, wanchai and causeway bay. there are the locations i like most and the best restaurants / cafes can be found in these areas.

    of course, i would take some (limited) advice from eatntravel. i would normally consult the introduction in other blogmates and websites. some are really very good. i am only a normal person, i am not an adventurer in fact. i would not introduce restaurants for the sake of writing the blog. at least, at the moment, my intention is not so. i do not know what i will change to in future. nice to share with you more, so as to try more tasty foods at reasonable price in the shortest possible time.
