地址 : 中環皇后大道中15號置地文華東方酒店大堂
電話 : 2132 0077
消費 : $225/head (ie total $450)
整體評價 : fair
mar 17, 12...........2人嚟high tea.........叫咗 :
1) high tea x 2 (@hk$220)a) drink
i) english breakfast tea

ii) jasmine tea

b) scone
-連有clotted cream, 2款jam
-clotted cream1定要+,jam就視乎個人喜好,就算唔+,都幾好味了

c) savories
-有mini burger with tomato mozzarella & basil , crispy sour dough with bleu cheese and pear, beetroot tartar with yogurt, mint & pine nut, rolled sandwich with pock neck, mustard and gherkin salad同mini pesto cone with tuna tartar
-但那個有片梨的blue cheese mousse,真的不是我杯茶,因我本身頂受唔到blue cheese嗰種好strong嘅so味............雖這已是dilute version,但都喺頂唔住..............但blue cheese愛好者就會喜歡這個mousse
-個sandwich roll就比較濕咗d

d) dessert
-有士多啤梨tartlet with white chocolate-yuzu custard, blackcurrant & pear mousse bar, homemade pistachio & raspberry macaron, gateaux basque with strawberry, chocolate trio
-回家睇番個menu,先發覺tea set可以享同埋小buffet枱的sweet delights.............ai.............真喺蝕抵咗添~~~~~
整體評價 : fair
1) high tea x 2 (@hk$220)a) drink
i) english breakfast tea
ii) jasmine tea
b) scone
-連有clotted cream, 2款jam
-clotted cream1定要+,jam就視乎個人喜好,就算唔+,都幾好味了
c) savories
-有mini burger with tomato mozzarella & basil , crispy sour dough with bleu cheese and pear, beetroot tartar with yogurt, mint & pine nut, rolled sandwich with pock neck, mustard and gherkin salad同mini pesto cone with tuna tartar
-但那個有片梨的blue cheese mousse,真的不是我杯茶,因我本身頂受唔到blue cheese嗰種好strong嘅so味............雖這已是dilute version,但都喺頂唔住..............但blue cheese愛好者就會喜歡這個mousse
-個sandwich roll就比較濕咗d
d) dessert
-有士多啤梨tartlet with white chocolate-yuzu custard, blackcurrant & pear mousse bar, homemade pistachio & raspberry macaron, gateaux basque with strawberry, chocolate trio
-回家睇番個menu,先發覺tea set可以享同埋小buffet枱的sweet delights.............ai.............真喺蝕抵咗添~~~~~
1) 餐具
2) 我食高茶嘅次數唔多,通常都唔比book.............所以我無諗過呢度可以book..............友人來到攞枱時............高茶枱已fully book,唯有被安排坐另1邊sofa枱
3) 服務是好的,會主動過來refill壼內的熱水...............不過我哋將近食完1碟時,已好快幫我哋從架上攞下1次碟嚟..............有點pushy
4) 個人還是喜歡2年前喺4 season嘅the louxxx.............味道上有質素d
5) 原來我對上1次嚟中環區食嘢已是2個多月前嘅事了...............soho區更+耐無去添~~~~~真的有點想回去soho區開餐~~~~~