2011年3月20日 星期日

Pomme@灣仔 - 環境cozy

地址 : 灣仔盧押道11號修頓商業大廈地下
電話 : 2527 9933
消費 : $75/head (ie total $150)
整體評價 : fair 

feb 16, 11, 2人嚟lunch,叫咗 :

1) hot cappuccino (hk$30)

2) ham and cheese toastie in brown bread (hk$38)

3) ham and cheese toastie in baguette (hk$38)
-因為個包比較厚,所以芝士嘅溶度無brown bread咁高
-所以都喺brown bread嗰個好味d

4) red velvet (hk$30)
-問了店員signature cake有咩介紹,佢都喺講cup cake啦
-面層的sugar cream不致於甜到死,還可以接受到的

1) 店內環境

3 則留言:

  1. The cup cake is very fancy with the flower shape, never see that b4. Do you like cup cake? The design is very hip and trendy too. Ham with cheese panini looks nice. There is a small cafe around my job site also have ham and gruyere panini that I love to order.

  2. but the seat were really comfortable and last time i went there for so many hours~!

  3. 呢間其實對於我幾方便,不過未入過去食
    個 sandwich 幾正,要找天帶 fd 去一試
