2011年3月28日 星期一

Limehouse@灣仔 - 鴨肝鴨蛋果然名物

地址 : 灣仔船街35號地下
電話 : 2528 5818
消費 : $185/head (ie total $370)
整體評價 : fair與good之間

mar 04, 11, 2人嚟lunch,叫咗 : 
1) set lunch x 2 (@hk$88)
i) potato & leek soup x 2

ii) fish and chips
-配以mayonnaise同malt vinegar

iii) linguine with tomato and basil

iv) drinks x 2

2) chocolate mousse x 2 (@+hk$30)
-但最想食到的就喺english trifle,可惜嗰日都喺無得供應

3) duck liver with egg (hk$98)
-個鴨蛋王好橙紅,1 cut落去,蛋王汁即刻流出
-伴埋旁邊嘅"杰"身balsamic sauce同食,真的好好味

1) 本來呢餐喺我打算請友人..........但就比友人爭贏咗..........多謝晒...........其實我好多謝好多謝友人喺呢1年多以嚟對我嘅支持同幫忙..........我自覺煩麻咗佢好多........極度不好意思,甚至覺得虧欠咗佢............但友人總叫我唔好咁諗..........but i'm really sorry 4 bringing so many unnecessary trouble 2 u~~~~

2) 餐廳位置喺屈咗上樓梯級,環境好寧靜..........裝修都好外國feel,好舒服

2 則留言:

  1. I don't like adding malt vinegar for the fish as well but I love tartar sauce ( even make my own tartar sauce). The best fish and chip I have tried is not at a pertty trendy restaurant but in a small remote village in the UK. The fish is really crispy and fresh.
    What is the stuff underneath the foie gras and egg? Looks so well cooked and special.

  2. fish n chips同鵝肝蛋都好吸引丫
