地址 : 灣仔皇后大道東202號QRE Plaza 26樓
電話 : 2323 1715
純個人評價 : fair與good之間
3 visits
sep 28 (wed), oct 20 (thu) & nov 15 (tue), 2016 .............共叫咗 :
1) sharing lunch w/wagyu skirt steak with smoked tomato salsa & potatoes (hk$238)
-除麵包外,仲有個appetizer拼盤,我最like個grill corn (因有燻味) with cheese powder, mahon cheese同炸cheese (好似喺ricotta)...........其餘有salmon, broccoli, olives...........1個好有質素嘅appetizer
-之後嘅wagyu skirt都無得頂.............timing控制得好............仲好red,有點血水,好嫩,好juicy............有肉質得嚟..........入口唔多洗"趙"..........無筋
-個red cabbage絲salad混咗d goat cheese powder..........我自己唔喺芝士狂熱份子...........只可頂到mild cheese嘅味道.............所以呢個喺我嘅上限
-呢餐由appetizer到主菜都fabulous good
2) sharing lunch w/tagliolini, tuna, tuscan kale, sausage (hk$238)
3) sharing lunch w/snapper baked in paper with red peppers, capers and olives (hk$238)
1) 店內環境
2) 呢度唔平 (但就無+1).............個餐唔包飲品,又無甜品.............所以3次嚟lunch都唔多客