2013年3月25日 星期一

挪威+瑞典/ day 2 - mar 03, 2013

day 2行程 - mar 03, 2013


名稱 :
toot's international (radisson blu airport hotel內)
地址 : PO Box 163, Hotelvegen, Norway
電話 : 47 63 93 3000
website : http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-osloairport
收費 : 訂房包埋
整體評價 : good😊


可能佢哋人工貴.........所以buffet table無嘜staff..............全部都喺自助式..............eg 焗waffle..............我焗咗我人生第1塊waffle..............不過喺失敗咗...........都入到口............不過無外在美




我哋坐sas.........因為喺廉航 (hk$832/人)...........所以自己check in luggage+印埋luggage tag.........貼埋先好去check in counter

sk4772 (etd 8:55am)



去到kirkenes機場 (eta 11:00am...........坐咗2 hrs)


 出到去............得1架coach.............循例問吓喺會經我哋住嘅thon hotel kirkenes..............收nok85/人



名稱 : thon hotel kirkenes
地址 : Johan Knutsensgt. 11, N-9900 Kirkenes, Norway
電話 : 47 78 97 1050
website : http://www.thonhotels.com/hotels/countrys/norway/kirkenes/thon-hotel-kirkenes/
入住時段 : 共2晚 (包早餐)
設施 : 房有free wifi
總收費 : nok2,504/ 2晚房$$$$
booked via : direct with the thon hotel kirkenes
special request : room with fjord view

又好好彩.............1check in就比到房我哋............亦可以entertain我哋要fjord景房嘅要求




地址 : Radius Kirkenes AS, PO BOX 200, N-9915 Kirkenes, Norway
電話 : 47 78 97 0540
website : www.kirkenessnowhotel.com
入場費 : @nok100
開放時間 : 1pm - 5pm

與其等到2pm............我哋改變策略............去咗參觀snowhotel先...........我哋之前決定唔住snowhotel喺因為好貴 (每人nok2,450/晚,包早,晚餐)............又好凍...........間房要keep住喺-x下溫度..........只喺瞓睡袋............我咁怕凍..............無理由比埋$$$$嚟辛苦自己架嘛



到走時,要搵職員幫我哋call taxi...........先知道snowhotel喺無reception lobby呢樣嘢.............唔怪之得我哋搵極都搵唔到啦

佢幫完我地call taxi後.............就收埋我哋嘅入場費..............咁就離開snowhotel

所以如果你唔驚動佢哋call taxi.............自己行番落去個town度 (喺可以架.........喺taxi上,個司機都有講,亦見有人行落山)..............根本連入場費都唔洗比呀..............番嚟kirkenes town嗰程就貴d..............用咗nok170

late lunch

名稱 : ritz
地址 : Dr. Wesselsgate 17, Kirkenes, Norway
電話 : 47 78 99 3481
website : www.ritzkirkenes.no
收費 : nok108/ head (ie total nok216)
整體評價 : fair😑

因為sunday,全town只得呢間開..........無其他選擇, 叫咗 :

1) capri (nok146)

2) brownie (nok71)


-喺餐廳呢度............我哋見到同我哋同1酒店嘅1對印尼華橋...........佢哋之前2晚跟咗個small group tour guide..........佢哋勁讚個guide.............1問之下收費都唔貴喎..............所以我哋食完即刻番酒店...........叫酒店職員check吓個tour今晚有無位...........然後再幫我哋cancel埋個巴士極光團 (我哋今日check in後............透過酒店幫我哋book)

睇極光common fallacies

1) 因為postcard常見到d極光都好碧綠............又會有d紫色.............所以常以為極光就喺咁..............原來postcard上極光好翠綠............喺因為曝光後嘅結果...........當現場肉眼睇時.............喺灰白色似霧/煙嘅物體.............當然強度夠時..............就會成為白中帶綠嘅光體 (都唔會喺翠綠色).............有時佢哋會有movement............極光嘅movement幅度有幾勁..........就由mother nature話事.........你遇到會喺弱到似薄霧嘅極光........還是強光體............要睇大家同佢嘅緣份

2) 今年有magazine或報紙講今年喺太陽粒子爆發高峰期..........亦喺極光嘅peak time..........當地嘅guide(連埋我哋之後去tromso嘅guide)都話佢哋無聽過呢個講法............亦証實今年嘅極光同往年比...........差別唔大


-理想月份 : nov-mar (其他可以睇到極光嘅國家 eg greenland, iceland同alaska嘅月份可以有出入)
-個極光forecast指數最好有3 or above (2都唔喺話無機會睇到)
-唔可以落雪/ 厚雲
-見到星空 (即代表個天好清)
-唔好近光源,有light pollution (eg town中心,燈光火著)
-跟d small group northern light chasing tour

northern lights & photography (kirkenes)

tour guide : mr helge sterk
tel : 47 9320 6586
webiste : https://hsfoto.no/
charge : nok900/ head
start time : 7pm
covered : hotel pick up, pictures of the night
excluded : warm clothing, refreshment, dinner, snack

tonite our aurora (ie norther lights/ polar lights) forecast index (http://www.gi.alaska.edu/AuroraForecast/Europe) is 2..........other than our group.............an italian couple who also stay in our hotel are our accompany...........in fact, the italian couple joined helge's tour yesterday already..........this is their 2nd nite w/heldge

kirkenes is our 1st northern lights chasing point...........we sit in helge's van.............bringing us to several potential sites and observe............in the first few sites..........they're somehow not strong

until he drives us to the inner part of the wood (2nd last site).........very close to russia border..........though it's freezing outside (~-25 degree c)...........n i only hv 1 warm pack............we station there and hope to meet the strong aurora..........finally and finally (>20 mins) we see it forming...........getting stronger and stronger.............yes...........here v go............v clearly see it in condensed white grey color air (but in our camera, it's fluroscent green)...........v r very sure that it's not fog but aurora............the aurora spectrum is very broad...........moving fast in the sky.............the moving pattern is fanastic and dynamic..............some like explosion in the centre.........next moment............some areas like diffusion.............next moment........like waves................next moment.............flowing upside down..........u can never catch its next move

though i cant see the green shades of the aurora in my bare eyes.............this kind of stunning n amazing movements which last for about 10 mins hv already stamped in my memory for all my life...........i'd describe it very passionate like "street dance"

since my dc is not gd enough to picture the northern lights............i hv nothing to do but walk around here n there to see the pictures taken by my fd, the guide and the italian couple who are very enthusiastic............they've taken many gd photos............however, i dont hv their contact n unable to ask them for sharing me some of their master pieces

anyway, helge emailed us his great photos few days later...............i really enjoy what i see tonight............i prefer great movement which is more impressive to me instead of the bright light of the aurora (i see it later in tromso)

here comes helge's master pieces of tonite using his powerful n expensive canon camera........**once again, it's only green in camera after 8-15 seconds exposure............on spot..........u wont c the green color but obvious white/grey color air**

after this site.........the tour hasnt ended yet..........helge still keep finding site w/more magnificent view............though v all know that it's not likely.............lastly, v go to the last point where the aurora is also broad but with boring movement

when v back to the hotel..........it's after 12.00 midnight.........what a nite!!!!.............thx heldge~~~~

* 今日開心指數 : 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 (10/10)

5 則留言:

  1. 好似好凍咁喎, 夠吾夠暖呀?
    咦~~好勁呀!影到北極光, 仲可以影張合照

  2. 依一日真係大開眼界呀, 睇完篇blog我都當自己去左北歐咁~~

  3. Hi jj, Tried to call your phone and leave a message on FB but cannot find you. Guess you may be out of town. Any chance to have lunch on 27/3 or 28/3 (Wednesday or Thursday)? Please let me know...Please leave a message on FB or call my phone 92485869.

  4. 妳真係好好彩丫,睇到北極光,真係好難忘

  5. wowwwwwwwwww I can't take my eyes off it. Thanks for your detailed description. It is a pity that I won't be free in those months. By the way, the snow hotel is beautiful to look at, but living inside may not be a good idea as it is too cold.
