where to eat
食飽dinner後................任何1間食肆(take away除外)..............都會負責送你返屋企.................有d (golf club, arajila <-- 主要serve住客先, sunset bar & grill)我想食但又無位
1) anchorage
-operating hours : 08h00 - late (mon-sun) <-- 全個島得佢全年無休營業
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食2次dinner...............以我試過嘅幾間食肆嚟講...............最鍾意呢間...............因為seasoning just rite (呢個唔容易...............個chef要有番咁上下實力先得)................有creativity去include多種風味元素..............decent presented............flavor dimensional (喺設計menu上有用過心思)..............所以價$$$$中上價
-ordered :
i) drink aud 3.5
ii) fresh tomtao aud 18
-white anchovies, goat cheese, capers, spanish onion, olives, basil
-呢個組合得出嚟喺好豐富嘅味道 : 有鹹鮮,奶so,微辛,fresh herb +上有醋嘅dressing
-有點欣賞個chef有心思將goat cheese演變成soft cream狀
iii) seafood aud 45
-king prawns, mussel, squid, fish wing, potato, chilli, coconut broth
-個蝦大隻...............第1隻肉質都帶少爽..................gd架.................不過可惜第2隻個頭甩甩哋..............仲有明顯唔新鮮嘅味道!!..............當waiter問我"how's the dish?"時..................有同佢反映
-食緊呢個dish..............有個小肥仔去toilet經過我張枱.................問"呢碟喺咩?..............我喺相機摷番張menu話佢聽................佢"is it gd?"...............我"比較泰國風"................佢喫而不捨"is it gd?".................hahaha...............好1個未來food gourmet~~~~
iv) salad aud 16
-cos (ie romaine lettuce), stone fruit, fetta, pickled onion, pine nuts, cider vinaigrette
v) baked polenta aud 32
-sofrito, blistered tomato, mushroom, zucchini, dukkha
-佢個polenta喺well executed............deep fried後外表唔會軟身..............裡面嘅polenta唔會淋pat pat.............packed density
-伴以tomato base sauce同少少avocado sauce作點綴
-今晚我又遇到上次嘅小肥仔..................佢又問我呢碟喺嘜?................我"polenta,喺veggie dish...............佢execute得好好".....................但我覺得肥仔無impressed by this dish..................咁小朋友好多都唔鍾意食齋.................睇佢身形都知佢鍾意肉食..............hahahaha
2) coral cafe

-operating hours : 09h00 - 15h00 (mon-fri); 09h00 - 14h00 (sat-sun); dinner available on mon, wed & thu
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食2次lunch + 1次dinner...............seasoning偏濃味 (有1個dish over咗)................dinner都decent
-ordered :
i) mediterranean veg foccacia with cheese and avocado aud 17
ii) salad sandwich aud 8
-今日胃口不大................想食light d
ii) fresh tomtao aud 18
-white anchovies, goat cheese, capers, spanish onion, olives, basil
-呢個組合得出嚟喺好豐富嘅味道 : 有鹹鮮,奶so,微辛,fresh herb +上有醋嘅dressing
-有點欣賞個chef有心思將goat cheese演變成soft cream狀
iii) seafood aud 45
-king prawns, mussel, squid, fish wing, potato, chilli, coconut broth
-個蝦大隻...............第1隻肉質都帶少爽..................gd架.................不過可惜第2隻個頭甩甩哋..............仲有明顯唔新鮮嘅味道!!..............當waiter問我"how's the dish?"時..................有同佢反映
-食緊呢個dish..............有個小肥仔去toilet經過我張枱.................問"呢碟喺咩?..............我喺相機摷番張menu話佢聽................佢"is it gd?"...............我"比較泰國風"................佢喫而不捨"is it gd?".................hahaha...............好1個未來food gourmet~~~~
iv) salad aud 16
-cos (ie romaine lettuce), stone fruit, fetta, pickled onion, pine nuts, cider vinaigrette
v) baked polenta aud 32
-sofrito, blistered tomato, mushroom, zucchini, dukkha
-佢個polenta喺well executed............deep fried後外表唔會軟身..............裡面嘅polenta唔會淋pat pat.............packed density
-伴以tomato base sauce同少少avocado sauce作點綴
-今晚我又遇到上次嘅小肥仔..................佢又問我呢碟喺嘜?................我"polenta,喺veggie dish...............佢execute得好好".....................但我覺得肥仔無impressed by this dish..................咁小朋友好多都唔鍾意食齋.................睇佢身形都知佢鍾意肉食..............hahahaha
2) coral cafe
-operating hours : 09h00 - 15h00 (mon-fri); 09h00 - 14h00 (sat-sun); dinner available on mon, wed & thu
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食2次lunch + 1次dinner...............seasoning偏濃味 (有1個dish over咗)................dinner都decent
-ordered :
i) mediterranean veg foccacia with cheese and avocado aud 17
ii) salad sandwich aud 8
-今日胃口不大................想食light d
-有beets架...........i like it..............第1次食3文治有beets
-本來有1日潛完嚟再食..............點知無留意佢weekend早收1個鐘...............oh, sorry!
iii) water - free
iv) local kingfish fish cake aud 17
-with fennel, dill, coriander, serve with lime sauce, pineapple, cucumber, chilli pickle and spinach
-用心經營出多種味道...................個chef好想deliver dimensional flavor dish
v) grilled squid salad aud 17
- vermicelli salad, roasted peanuts, fried shallots, fresh herb, chilli lime dressing
-個辣味都小-中辣度..............quite exciting to me
-同樣flavor好rich.................但好可惜個dressing太濃味,鹹味同甜味都明顯too much................令我未能enjoy
-環境 :
3) bowling club

-operating hours : bar - 17h00 - late (mon-sun); happy hour - 17h30 - 18h30 (thu); dinner - 18h00 - late (tue-thu & sat)
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次dinner...............seasoning稍偏淡
-ordered :
i) soft drink aud 4
-現成貨, come from the dispenser
ii) vegetarian pizza aud 25
-tomato base, oregano, olive, pumpkin, mushroom, sweet red onion, parmesan, feta, mozzarella
-今晚只offer pizza
-唔算薄pizza type.............但又未至於叫厚
-有1/4 take away,留返做聽日嘅早餐
-環境 :
4) beach house on the moon
-operating hours : dinner available on mon & fri
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次dinner...............有好有唔好
-ordered :
i) buffet salad bar (included)
ii) local fish of the day - beer battered with chips aud 34
-今日喺king fish
-但嚟到澳洲...........我都喺揀咗chips嘅做法...............尤其今次我book唔到golf club tue nite嘅fish fry之夜.................後來我留意到好多枱都喺做炸
-多年前我去sydney...............去過1間餐廳食fish & chips................魚都有幾款比你揀................我記得揀咗john dory..............個魚真喺好味
iii) mango cheeks, toasted coconut with cream and ice cream aud 14
-原來個toasted coconut喺椰絲咁樣撒法................個椰絲經toast過後帶硬.............texture wise同個甜品唔harmonize
iii) water - free
iv) local kingfish fish cake aud 17
-with fennel, dill, coriander, serve with lime sauce, pineapple, cucumber, chilli pickle and spinach
-用心經營出多種味道...................個chef好想deliver dimensional flavor dish
v) grilled squid salad aud 17
- vermicelli salad, roasted peanuts, fried shallots, fresh herb, chilli lime dressing
-個辣味都小-中辣度..............quite exciting to me
-同樣flavor好rich.................但好可惜個dressing太濃味,鹹味同甜味都明顯too much................令我未能enjoy
-環境 :
3) bowling club
-operating hours : bar - 17h00 - late (mon-sun); happy hour - 17h30 - 18h30 (thu); dinner - 18h00 - late (tue-thu & sat)
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次dinner...............seasoning稍偏淡
-ordered :
i) soft drink aud 4
-現成貨, come from the dispenser
ii) vegetarian pizza aud 25
-tomato base, oregano, olive, pumpkin, mushroom, sweet red onion, parmesan, feta, mozzarella
-今晚只offer pizza
-唔算薄pizza type.............但又未至於叫厚
-有1/4 take away,留返做聽日嘅早餐
-環境 :
4) beach house on the moon
-operating hours : dinner available on mon & fri
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次dinner...............有好有唔好
-ordered :
i) buffet salad bar (included)
ii) local fish of the day - beer battered with chips aud 34
-今日喺king fish
-但嚟到澳洲...........我都喺揀咗chips嘅做法...............尤其今次我book唔到golf club tue nite嘅fish fry之夜.................後來我留意到好多枱都喺做炸
-多年前我去sydney...............去過1間餐廳食fish & chips................魚都有幾款比你揀................我記得揀咗john dory..............個魚真喺好味
iii) mango cheeks, toasted coconut with cream and ice cream aud 14
-原來個toasted coconut喺椰絲咁樣撒法................個椰絲經toast過後帶硬.............texture wise同個甜品唔harmonize
-後記 :
i) book位時落咗voice machine.................佢第2日覆咗landlady有位.................landlady話我知間餐廳個老闆jimmy buffet以前喺singer.................用咗佢自己首歌beach house on the moon做餐廳名
ii) 我又撞到小肥仔.................我同佢喺好有緣...............佢話我知喺anchorage佢有叫到我嗰碟seafood..............."it's amazing".............hahahaha
5) thompson's store
-operating hours :
i) grocery - 09h00 - 17h00 (mon-fri); 10h00 - 16h00 (sat-sun)
ii) breakfast - 09h00 - 10h30 (mon-sun)
iii) burger bar - 11h30 - 14h00 (mon-sun)
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次lunch...............但seasoning缺少咗鹹味
-ordered :
i) fish burger aud 15.5
-網上好多人讚佢嘅fish burger...........所以要嚟試
ii) bottle drink aud 4
6) beachcomber restaurant
-operating hours : dinner take away available on wed, sat & sun
-personal comment : absolutely fair
-ordered :
i) gamberi rossa pizza aud 28
-fresh prawns, truss tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, san marzano tomato sauce, bail, chilli & garlic
-佢嘅pizza喺pizza hut style.........麵包部份比bowling club厚
-bowling club做得好d
-後記 :
i) 我每日去ned's beach...............都會經過................我喺由ned's beach返hideaway時落order.................之後landlady個女幫我pick up
ii) sun嘅lord howe只有呢間同anchorage開................我見食咗2次anchorage............所以試吓呢間
6) joy's shop (supermarket & grocery)
-operating hours : 09h00 - 18h00 (mon-sun)
-bought :
i) 2 x @1.1l mineral water @aud 4.25
ii) cherry aud 19.3
-size max. 30mm
iii) almond milk aud 5.1
iv) apple aud 2
v) chips aud 7.95
-in general ok.................but not impressed
vi) sesame crisps aud 2
vii) cherry tomato aud 5.45
-環境 :
-後記 :
i) book位時落咗voice machine.................佢第2日覆咗landlady有位.................landlady話我知間餐廳個老闆jimmy buffet以前喺singer.................用咗佢自己首歌beach house on the moon做餐廳名
ii) 我又撞到小肥仔.................我同佢喺好有緣...............佢話我知喺anchorage佢有叫到我嗰碟seafood..............."it's amazing".............hahahaha
5) thompson's store
-operating hours :
i) grocery - 09h00 - 17h00 (mon-fri); 10h00 - 16h00 (sat-sun)
ii) breakfast - 09h00 - 10h30 (mon-sun)
iii) burger bar - 11h30 - 14h00 (mon-sun)
-personal comment : 我嚟咗呢度食1次lunch...............但seasoning缺少咗鹹味
-ordered :
i) fish burger aud 15.5
-網上好多人讚佢嘅fish burger...........所以要嚟試
ii) bottle drink aud 4
6) beachcomber restaurant
-operating hours : dinner take away available on wed, sat & sun
-personal comment : absolutely fair
-ordered :
i) gamberi rossa pizza aud 28
-fresh prawns, truss tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, san marzano tomato sauce, bail, chilli & garlic
-佢嘅pizza喺pizza hut style.........麵包部份比bowling club厚
-bowling club做得好d
-後記 :
i) 我每日去ned's beach...............都會經過................我喺由ned's beach返hideaway時落order.................之後landlady個女幫我pick up
ii) sun嘅lord howe只有呢間同anchorage開................我見食咗2次anchorage............所以試吓呢間
6) joy's shop (supermarket & grocery)
-operating hours : 09h00 - 18h00 (mon-sun)
-bought :
i) 2 x @1.1l mineral water @aud 4.25
ii) cherry aud 19.3
-size max. 30mm
iii) almond milk aud 5.1
iv) apple aud 2
v) chips aud 7.95
-in general ok.................but not impressed
vi) sesame crisps aud 2
vii) cherry tomato aud 5.45
-環境 :