2020年2月9日 星期日

lord howe fun dive (jan 20-29, 2020)/ mount gower climb

day 8 - jan 27, 2020 (mon)

mount gower簡介

mt gower climb

booked via : direct with sea to summit (到埗後要再打電話比jack reconfirm booking)
收費 : aud 100
pick up time : 7:00am sharp at hideaway附近bench位 (另外比aud 10司機)
covered : full trip guide (行mt gower喺需要licenced guide帶) + 少少導賞 + 紀念証書
self prepared : 全程要嘅水 (我帶咗2l,天晴所以近乎飲晒), lunch, snack, hat, sunscreen, good walking shoes, jacket, sunglasses if needed (中途無toilet無補給)
difficulty level : 💀💀💀💀.5 (full mark 5 skulls)......................因mt. lidgbird仲難 <-- book private tour先會帶你行
walking time : ~7:20am - 5:05pm (9.5 hrs多d)
comment :
-喺sea to summit網站..................形容呢條route只喺medium - hard level..................medium原來喺對高手而言...............如果平時行山好依賴支pole借力/平衡嘅話...................你要諗清楚有無能力行呢條route.................好多段你唔方便用pole.................量力而為!
-我唔喺山友................只喺舊年oct開始行d難度唔高嘅路線.................最難只行過玉桂山+鴨脷排.............唔行唔知身體好.............mt gower呢條線喺我上限
-我無喺香港行過d金嘅路線...............所以話唔到辛苦度/難度equivalent to香港邊條route
-今個trip本來為個海而嚟...............ball's pyramid就去唔成................個海無我預期咁豐富.............完成到mt gower反而喺我成個trip最大嘅achievement~~~

y pick mt gower climb?
我最尾嗰日唔潛.................出發前我開始搵吓可以有咩做.................我就發現mt gower喺lord howe極度signature.............而且見到d相要戴頭盔又捉晒繩 (自玉桂山捉完繩後覺得好challenging but fun)..................已好興奮要去要去~~~~去lord howe 1個星期前email jack book位

pick up
又話喺巴士接嘅?..................點解又喺granny嚟接我架?...................原來今日爆團 (有18人)...................所以要多架車接客..................之後再去milky way接多3個客


clean up
呢度對環境保護實在好強...................行之前要擦乾淨鞋底先..................再浸浸水...............make sure你唔好帶有其他地方嘅soil/ dirt入mt gower

that flat top mountain is mt gower
nelson (last one) is another facilitator (coz our team >15 pax)................he walks bare foot for the whole trek
someone drops the helmet................nelson walks down to pick it up
sorry, out of focus............蟬退
蟬退close up
jack said it can be drunk directly
honey...................but from the wrinkle, i need some hand mask
mt lidgbird
-只喺由mt gower望去對面呢座mt lidgbird....................我哋全日只喺行mt gower.................無行到過去mt lidgbird
the mountain top is so cool~~~no wonder more difficult than mt gower

 ball's pyramid in a distance

climb continues
little mountain palm - can only be found >740m
jack on bare foot

 mt gower top
top of mt gower.................no height pole.............no landmark here

return (following the same route)
best pic of today
lunch hour
kentia palm
looks a waterfall there
honeycomb weathering


same passengers坐granny車走................我最尾落車


next day我話比landlady知我行完mt gower....................佢"wow, 天氣點呀?"...................我"琴日clear blue sky".................佢"u r lucky,好多時都有雲阻住架"

