2011年2月13日 星期日

Le Gouter Bernardaud@尖沙咀 - 小lai團年飯

地址 : 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號九龍站圓方2樓2009鋪
電話 : 2196 8488
消費 : $187.50/head (ie total $750)
整體評價 : very absolutely fair 

2nd visit
以前嚟,只喺買過佢嘅macaron,jan 28, 11,4人來做節,叫咗 :

1) set dinner x 2
i) 麵包籃 (免費)

ii) daily special salad

iii) soup of the day

iv) 主菜
a) roasted half spring chicken w/corn puree, sauteed peas and beans, ras al-hanout and lemon grass oil (hk$160)

b) pan fried grouper fillet served w/braised shallot, kipler potato, morel and madeira jus (hk$170)
-當晚有2款魚sold out,只剩下石斑

2) penne rigate (hk$95)
-italian spicy sausage smoked eggplant and tomato sauce

3) lgb burger (hk$170)
-angus beef burger, foie gras, roquefort/ parmeasan, sweet onion marmalade, frites

4) chocolate fondant (hk$75)
-molten valrhona grand cru caraibe 66% cacao chocolate center, vanilla ice cream, bernes

1) 這裡很早收 (9pm), last order8.30pm截, 但無諗過佢嘅dinner咁無水準..........sorry,帶咗友人們來lai嘢添~~~

2) 我唔知佢有幾多個廚..........但如果人手唔多,就無謂要等齊4個主菜先上比客.........最後d主菜全都凍晒........咁咪仲衰過做完1個出1個

1) mtr東涌線..............九龍

3 則留言:

  1. 個球雪糕好細喎,點夠送心太軟

  2. 中式湯以浠為好、以清為妙; 以此為隼,就不會飲湯飲出火

  3. I went to Kowloon station's Mall for dinner and they close really early. Just not a good place for hanging out and chatting with friends if having a late dinner. The mall is so empty when it is late.
