2017年12月20日 星期三

guided meditation

有次同食友lunch................佢同樣建議我練meditation..............因為我無比個腦休息...............好好咁send咗條link (speaker : ajahn brahm)比我

初時.............我手機load咗好耐都未聽得到.............拖到nov 11, 2017用屋企上wifi............先得...............1共有4條audio片

以前我覺得meditation喺要思考好玄/好禪/好哲理嘅問題…………喺ec先建議我練…………原來嘜都唔諗才是meditation…………佢話可由數呼吸開始…………聽完呢4條片…………就知道我之前練錯咗…………唔可以control呼吸…………喺以第3者角度靜心觀察佢..............要將自己抽離.................not get involved/ interfere.............好似觀察沙灘上d浪嘅漲退咁.............慢慢個心就會平靜...................個腦無嘢諗..............就會產生peace of mind

現summarized below :
goal of meditation
-peacefulness of mind
-rest (no working even though u realize many things needs to be done.............but not now)
-time to experience/ feel...........not criticizing, no desire (ie a force that would pull u from here & now)
-enjoy the state of contentment
-free from stress (junk food to mind)
-calming the mind down by focusing on the breath, present moment, here & now

how/ attitude
-watch the breathing.............no control, no interfere............stay back and observe feeling of the breath in & out
-develop the carefulness/ awareness/ mindfulness.............attention to/ giving importance to what we are doing
-keep contented mind..............experience the moment now, not the future moment
-stay mindful, still
-needs practice, training
i) who is the most important person - the one u r with
ii) what is the most important time - now
iii) what is the most important thing to do - to care, being mindful, sensitive, doing carefully n caringly

-minds too much activity/ energy.............cant stop thinking eg compulsive thinker
-thoughts always wandering, going in & out

-go experiencing, not thought...........look deeper the meaning of 1 breath (我仲未參透有咩meaning)
-notice the gap/ space between thoughts
-pay more attention to the present moment
-letting go past & future, simile : 2 suitcases of past (eg regret) & future (eg worries)...........putting down problems for a moment for rest & recharging ---> release tension, nervousness
-leave aside the commentary
-simile : 1000 miles journey - concern just the 1 step u r walking now.............till 1 day the 1 step is the last step that makes the 1000 miles

beautiful breath
-breath quiet down
-light, subtle, soft, effortless, fully
-content ie great peace & happiness

ways of meditation
-breath meditation (我自己就唔鍾意數住呼吸…………覺得喺burden,1d都唔free…………所以我breath in時…………ajahn brahm教可諗住想要嘅嘢 eg peace, happiness…………breath out諗住唔想要嘅嘢 eg worries, tumor)
-walking meditation
-insight meditation (keep looking and looking…………sustain our attention…………put aside the superficial  label…………hv the penetration)
-letting be meditation
-loving meditation
-body sweep meditation

-give health food to mind
-energy, clarity, penetration of mind...............it will come later, give it time & patience
-empty out the burden of the past and future
-simile : sweeping up the path
-develop sensitivity, awareness, calmness

