2012年11月24日 星期六

鄭祥興香蝦製造廠@大澳 - 銀蝦醬


地址 : 大澳石仔埗街17號A地下
電話 : 2985 7347
消費 : $15/each
整體評價 : 未知 (因我只喺負責幫友人買)

oct 29, 12...........入開大澳..........友人指名要幫佢去呢間買..............其實佢都未食過..........只喺睇到人寫啫 :

1) 香滑銀蝦醬 x 2細 (@hk$15)

1) 初時友人只話比我聽喺石仔埗街............我喺買完茶果財問亞姐.............佢教我先大約知要行幾耐

2) 後來去番碼頭嘅海味店.............其實大部份都有得賣鄭祥興蝦醬..............唔洗特意行到咁入嘅舖頭買

4 則留言:

  1. 鄭祥興唔錯架,我都買過幾次

  2. I love this.....thinking to cook the pork chop by this. Too bad cannot buy this in downtown...but they do delivery now. Did u see "Eat Drink Man and Woman"....they introduce the shrimp sauce from Ma Wan also.

  3. BTW, the crab is so cool

  4. Thanks in advance. If you are convenient, please let me know before you go. I may be coming back to HK in January (not sure yet). But if I am going to BJ in February for work, I will definitely drop by HK. I have sent you the article via FB. It did not identify the brand of the shrimp paste in Ma Wan though.....BTW, the shrimp paste in Tai O has FB account that you can subscribe. : )
