2023年3月21日 星期二

brussels sprouts with bacon

mar 20, 2023 (mon).............cook brussels sprouts for 3 times................but 1st time to pair it with bacon

benchmark video (you tuber chef jean-pierre) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBKz-waq0U4&t=134s

- brussels sprouts is very popular here
- in the beginning, i hesitate to cook it coz they are hard in texture and dun know how to make it soft
- until one local shared how she dealt with it

main ingredients
- brussels sprouts
- diced bacon
- garlic
- shallot
- black pepper
- balsamic vinegar
- sugar

1. cut brussels sprouts into halves, diced shallot and garlic

2. pan fried diced bacon

3. use the same pan..............turn on high heat............when the pan is evenly hot............put in brussels sprouts (flat side face down).............keep high heat...........until golden brown

4. add garlic and shallot...........till fragrant.................season with pinch of salt and pepper

5. last add back bacon.............then some balsamic vinegar...............optional add little sugar/ maple syrup

6. done..............if you fancy slight crunchy texture, please limit cooking brussels sprouts within 4 mins

-bacon's savory and smoky flavor pairs well with brussels sprouts
-i cook my brussels sprouts >4 mins, so not much crunchy texture..............but luckily not soft (hence i dun think the need to boil/ blanch the brussels sprouts before pan fry)
-coz i have added balsamic vinegar and a pinch of sugar...............hence the usual bitterness in brussels sprouts are gone

areas of improvement
-i am quite satisfied with this attempt................can try shorten the cooking time, giving a bit more texture to brussels sprouts (but may at the same time increase the bitterness a bit)

